This is nothing more, than a badly designed meme fight, even Pinwheel was more fun than this piece of shit...

This is nothing more, than a badly designed meme fight, even Pinwheel was more fun than this piece of shit. Inb4 "filtered", i don't give a fuck, there were other hard fights in other fromsoft games, but those were actually fun, this is just an unfun chore.

Attached: cope.jpg (1600x900, 128.02K)

Game isn't for you. Maybe Genshin impact is more your speed

i've already beat the game you fucking retard

you didnt beat the game

Just summon if you need to user there's no shame in it :)

you are mentally ill, seek help

i didn't summon in the game, i didn't want an AI to beat the game for me

Sounds like a skill issue

Attached: Malenia6.jpg (1200x829, 470.28K)

cope shitters

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>Elden Ring is too hard for, you gais
>I want every game to play exactly like Dark Souls
>why do I have to learn new move sets
>why do these enemies heal themselves
>why do these enemies detect my movements
>why do these enemies anticipate what I am about to do
>why are these enemies so aggressive
>why don't these enemies give me time to heal
>why do these enemies attack me when I run away
>why do these enemies string together more attacks than I can dodge roll before my stamina bar depletes

Skill issues. Always skill issues.

Attached: git-gud_.jpg (1024x1024, 855.89K)

this isnt ds2 retard

>pop bleed/frostbite/cheese applicants
>win relatively easy but don't feel satisfied
>don't do that and restrict myself
>fight flat out isn't fun even after getting it
the boss that sealed the deal on my ultimatum that if i have the option to cheese in a fromsoft game and my playthrough lets me do it then i will

lmao what do you mean they attack when you run away? you could literally stand in front of Malenia for like good minutes and she doesn't do shit, and it's not about them being hard, it's about the bad design. Sekiro had a whole lot of new mechanics and shit but it was fun, Isshin was a hard fight, but it was fun. Malenia is just a shitty meme fight made for retards like you, cope.


could have fooled me

Attached: 1652462401207.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

>i cheesed my way though all the souls games
>and I cheesed my way through Elden Ring
>but malenia cannot be cheesed
>and therefore i can't beat malenia
>so therefore this game is just a shit for not allowing me to cheese

I shall amendment my previous comment. Skill issue and build issue. No one's fault but your own if your build is a shit. No one's fault but your own if you refuse to respec to optimize your fight against a boss that you are struggling with. Malenia is the great filter of lazy casuals like you. Go play skyrim.

Attached: git-gud.jpg (550x550, 64.76K)

I'll take malenia over the 3 lecterns any day

you have never played any fromsoft games, you are just baiting, nice one tho, get your karma and go back to r*ddit fucking degenerate

still blaming the game for your poor skills

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See, if all you said was Malenia has some flaws and then listed them, I'd agree with you. But when you say
>This is nothing more, than a badly designed meme fight, even Pinwheel was more fun than this piece of shit.
I know you're absolutely seething your dick off.

are you honestly so mentally retarded that you cannot see the problem on display here?

you jumped in and thought you found an opening and the boss rekd you
git gud applicable