Dragon quest Treasures trailer

Okay but where the FUCK is Dragon Quest Monsters? They didn't scrap it, did they?

Attached: Erik and Mia.png (781x491, 916.85K)

>no gameplay
We still dont even know what this game, they are afraid to show it or what is lmao what the hell they cancelled DQM for this shit

This will be gacha shit.

Is it hard to play the english patch of Terry's wonderland or DQM2 on the 3DS?

No. I downloaded them off ziperto and they worked perfectly.

through all my searching I can't tell if Joker 3 Pro is fully patched in english or if i should just go with the normal version of Joker 3


its gonna be pokemon let's go for dragon quest

sreencap this

Joker 3 Pro was never translated as far as I know. Shame because it had much more content.

would play

Already exists, its called DQ walk

Let's Go, not Go.

Still no, this game is not going to play like DQM1 but with gimmick catch mechanics.

i love dragon quest

>japan exclusive
this is just the straw that breaks the camel's back. i am going to kill myself

torneko's mystery dungeon with shitty characters

No user you will miss out on the economic collapse and famine of 2024

and i still wont get to play dq10
it's been nice knowing ya

Is this going to be a whole new series or is it inspired by one of the spin offs?

It seems to be a complete new gameplay style. Like an action RPG most likely with real time multiplayer, Im speculating because we dont know anything.

What was Terry's problem?

Attached: DRAGON QUEST HEROES_ The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below_20170512210842.jpg (1920x1080, 404.92K)