Why is it every time I’m playing as the Evil the survivors are the most coordinated fucks of all time

>sticks together
>loots together
>focuses tf out of Henrietta when I spawn in

But then when I’m playing as a survivor my brain dead ass team does fuck all and wonders off into the forest and stays dying. No team work, no communication, shit combat skills. I love this game but fuck is it frustrating when I’m a solid evil player but I’m getting my ass kicked by a coordinated ass team I wish I had when playing survivor.

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you're the problem

Yeah I’m the problem when I’m averaging 60+ kills and 30k damage always in first place as survivor. Then I average 40k damage as evil and still lose because of the other teams healing coordination.

okay this is more likely to be shilling than bots/trolling

Do you even know what shilling is? God this board is retarded

>Do you even know what shilling is?
do you?

I genuinely don't know what Henriettas win condition is
Necro just overwhelms you with basic shit that is being permabuffed because flautist has essentially map wide range
Puppeteer makes fear buildup much easier so you can fuck survivors over while possessing them and then annihilate them during endgame as the boss
Henriettas mobs have shit health and are generally pretty ass aside from the basic puke ability, so swarming and fear buildup is not that great

This game has plenty of publicity and is doing well so I’m sure someone posting about it on fucking Any Forums of all places isn’t going to make any difference. Go back to playing dead by daylight please

OP here,

Literally the only games I’ve been “winning” as Henerietta are games where the survivors are dumb as shit and take up way too much time trying to loot. They forget about map pieces and I end up being like level 18-20 by the time they collected the first 2 pages so at that point I’ll spawn in my maxed Henrietta and just pick them off 1 by 1 but that’s seriously on the case when the survivors are dumb as shit.

>animation cancelling fixed
Man survivors will have an even worse time now that their DPS is a third of what it was

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dude wtf why are people talking about a multiplayer video game that came out less than two weeks ago on the imageboard dedicated to talking about video games

sure buddy

Yeah I feel you. I've lost 5 games as Demon so far, 3 of them as Henrietta. Looking at her skill tree, it seems like the devs tried to make her the balanced of the two, doing both fear and regular damage, which just makes her worse than the others. Also her ground slam is complete fucking shite and not ever worth using, even when surrounded. By the time you get to recover, survivors will delete your health bar

>keep trying to shut him up boys, he'll alert the retards

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team unga me bunga

I get that maybe it's too early to be complaining about stuff like that since it came out two weeks ago but jesus fucking christ, give the hunter the good guns and the warrior the good swords
I was stuck with a grey shotgun as ED2 Ash for the whole match because there was not a single crate I got to first and I still did 45k damage and carried that shit squad to victory

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At this point I’m going to just start playing as Evil Ash. I just feel like it’s more fresh playing as Henrietta cause of her mooks are actually deadite zombie-like and I love the character but compared to the other 2 she’s not that good unfortunately. I also sometimes catch myself forgetting to use her “buff” ability.

Dude right?? Sometimes I’ll have all the luck and find a legendary weapon, other times I’ll be stocked up on amulets and shemps but only basic ass weapons.

You must be dead weight.

Don't do it user, don't be a metafag, be proud of your weaker character and blame her being low tier if you lose
Yeah the moment you get flooded with Shemps you have shit gear and vice versa
Speaking of Shemps, it's actually infuriating how they changed Shemps beer to cola, pink fuck to pink f and the worst curse the character says is "shitheel". Who are they sanitizing this shit for

Any Forums gets more and more retarded the more time that passes. Almost entirely due to underage b8 being made aware of this place.

You right you right.. and yeah I don’t get that at all considering the Ash vs Evil dead show was making fun of all that PC culture shit as well.
