Are you excited seeing Ashley again in the Resident Evil 4 remake?

are you excited seeing Ashley again in the Resident Evil 4 remake?

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Only if they keep Sandy's VA for Ashley and get more Spongebob people for the others.

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no, dont care. worst mainline resident evil.

No way, fag.

what is 6 and 5

They're just going to remove the lewd stuff, which was apart of her charm.

If even a hair gets censored, it's getting pirated.

I'll be playing the game completely free of charge, with no money lost from me, completely free.


imagine the mods tho

4 was the downfall of the RE series. So will.notnbe playing

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I want more games were girls are molested and fucked by creepy and gross monsters under the guise of 'survival horror'

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They're even worse but 4 was the start

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What's your favorite weapon, bros? I'm playing it again right now and this time I actually bought the TMP for a change. Just never felt I needed it before, but it's fun.
Also, what's your favorite boss? I really like fighting El Gigante for some reason.

good games and all around improvements over 4. now continue your cope gamecube zoomie.

she will be a improvement yes

Not the poster you're replying to but improvements? Come on dawg

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your digits? now check mine

We need a thinly veiled B movie "horror" porn subgenre of games. I mean games, not that weird VN tier shit with baby ass fetish nonsense Japan churns out. Drop the age ratings and censors so hard with deranged shit only achievable with 3D models.

In another universe Custer's Revenge never started a controversy and porn games became a genuine market

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Gunplay is probably some of the worst in any game in 7,8, 2make and 3make so 4make is going to be absolute trash.

>are you excited seeing Ashley again in the Resident Evil 4 remake?
Only if they add cute outifts and costumes and i can play to dress her out :3

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"cope" is used by twitter/reddit and is a cope in itself, don't expect to be surprised when he says anything braindead

>Cope GameCube zoomer
Says the PS3 gen z baby lmao

A girl I was dating at the time pointed out you can look up her skirt. Should have kept her around.

yeah, i cant wait to babysit this retard.