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Is the ps5 going to be a bigger disaster than the ps3?

yeah blame russia for everything why not
its not our fault ps5 sucks its russia

Maybe there'll be something to play on it by then.

Its Russias fault that my cat won't put out

Fucking Putler stopping people from buying a ps5

Ofc its russia fault, that console not work here now, even if someone buy it.
And cause of that sonyboys cant enjoy sony games and cant lick sony ass one more time.

How does a war in Ukraine affect anything to do with the PS5? Kikes are really trying to use this as an excuse for everything, just like Covid was but now it makes even less sense.

>dude a major war is happening! This should have no effect on anything.
Why are people so retarded? It's like you were personally offended by the statement.

Oh I'm seeing what's happening. Russian shills in this thread full force that their war is mentioned at all.

>a major war is happening
Where? All I know about is the failed invasion by slavs in Ukraine. So, please, tell me what part of the PS5 manufacturing and supply chain that affects.


Holy shit you're retarded. Back to the conspiracy boards.

Russia provides most of the world's superconductors. Something people have said for decades is that the US absolutely needs its own tech manufacturing. Yet all of these corporations want to turn profit on the backs of poor countries. So now they are using the opportunity to make even more money from "shortages".

Got it, you can't do either one because you're a braindead nigger faggot that just parrots whatever the media tells him.

There are still no games.

So how exactly it is affect PS5 shortage?

I got a kick out of that fake article from some shitpost source talking about Sony preemptively warning consumers about shortages for the PS6 when it launches.

I love how easily you outed yourself as a schitzo.

I don’t even see the point of waiting for a PS5 when Xbox is widely available. Sony keeps losing games too. Only weebs would still wait out at this point.

But, user. Playing Xbox makes you gay...

>Nowhere is this more illustrative than in semiconductors or ‘chips’, an essential component in electronic devices that enable everything from iPhones to cars and future applications like artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Unanticipated rising demand for chips during the pandemic, lockdowns, disruptions due to recent fires in fabricating plants, and extreme weather events like the cold snap in Texas, have strained the chip supply chain and has created a worldwide shortage for chips.

>The Ukraine conflict has the potential to deepen this crisis further. Ukrainian companies, Ingas and Cryoin, account for about half the world’s neon production, which is critical for lasers used in chipmaking. Both Ingas, based in the beleaguered town of Mariupol, and Cryoin, based in the port town of Odesa, have shuttered operations due to the conflict.

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>Sony fanboys excitedly wait for 2 years just to play no games

>outsource everything to slave wage countries until there's almost no domestic production left
>start having issues with said countries because they're dicks and always have been
>woops why do we have shortages

Gee that was a smart idea, I didn't see this coming at all.

They have a pretty good excuse this time with the pandemic and all.

user, this is a website for weebs

any weeb in his right mind has bought a switch at this point. sony made it clear they fucking hate weebs and will never pander to them again, outside of maybe the more mainstream shit like persona fans