11 points ahead

>11 points ahead
>control the center
>lose to asspull move
wtf the fundamentals are bullshit

Attached: file.png (1556x1850, 275.88K)

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How are points supposed to matter if your king is open bro

Why the fuck didn't you guard your king better?
Also why is your queen still at the back of the board? You deserved this.

Why is the shittiest bot allowed to make a "great move" anyway?
Bros this isn't fucking fair.

Attached: file.png (1424x1248, 118.93K)

200 elo chess is amazing,i was just watching this one lol

It's called resource advantage. That's the real point of the game.

>That's the real point of the game.
if you know what the real point is why did you lose?

That’s actually hilarious, the bot just played a move that the engine was not able to recognise at first,

Kek, get fucked. Also no one cares about fundamentals anymore, people just control the center from afar

>think i'm fairly good at chess
>can beat most people i know at chess
>when i was in school, i could stand up to the smart kid in my class at chess
>stuck in 400 elo hell, keep losing to rajeesh from india
i didnt ask to have by ego burst. how the fuck do i get better at this.

My biggest chess accomplishment was forcing my enemy into a stalemate in a tournament after I was absolutely going to lose. I felt more accomplished than when I got my one win in the tournament.

Learning the Ruy Lopez is a great place to start, it teaches you that every move needs to follow a logic and it’s fairly aggressive once the center opens.

OP is baiting but that's genuinely what's so frustrating about learning chess. You've read/watched a bunch of educational content and understand the principles and what you should be going for on a strategic scale, and then proceed to lose to poos that only move their pawns or their queen for the first ten moves.

I'm a shitter myself at around 900 elo, but what I find really helpful is asking myself "what's the follow up?" when the opponent makes a seemingly non-threatening move. Especially when they move that fucking horse you need to pay attention to not get hit by a fork or a discovered attack on their next move.

I feel you. Stuck at 900 and keep going against some third worlders and narrowly losing. Sucks ass.

Nah the point is to avoid checkmate

I’ve seen gms get backrank checkmated and not realising the opponent having a repetition of moves, shit happens.


mindset of a loser. the point is to checkmate the opposing king.

Im not the one who lost bro just letting him know he needs to not get checkmated lol
Doesnt matter how many points hes got if he loses

This has to be bait. I refuse to believe anyone old enough to post here lost to the bot designed for children.

But bro he had points

why didnt you develop your dark square bishop and queen

I was the smart kid im school that didn't play chess. Started playing online 10 years ago, joined a chess club with just bros my age a year ago. I only play bullet online now. Still suck ass

Wrong, that's a 'brilliant' move. A great move on chesscom is when it's the only good move on the board