Has anyone gotten to play First Responder Sandbox?

Has anyone gotten to play First Responder Sandbox?

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Because its illegal
If you changed gun laws then you would have to remove the law that says Black people are the same as white people as well

why would you want the government to have more control of the people

If you were an actual 1st world nation you wouldn't need guns to enforce your rights as a citizen.
USA is so fucked.

Because letting the people govern themselves leads to so many mass shootings a new one happens before the public even has time to commit the old one to memory. If you guys can't be trusted to handle your toys safely then you don't deserve to have them.

Unrealistic considering cops refused to go in and kill the shooter during the texas school shooting
American pigs are cowards

They're also fat, untrained retards.

>you guys
opinion discarded

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>an armed society is a polite society
>most burgermutts are unarmed
woah, that was painfully easy to solve
stupid faggots

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>meanwhile, in the UK, a man is put on trial for longer than the Nazis at Nuremberg for teaching his girlfriend's pug to raise its paw

They should just play TTT, they could meet many of their future murderers at the same time.

reminder that glowniggers astroturf Any Forums even more than they do Any Forums

There was a school shooting in America again? I don't keep up with this shit.

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How do we solve the black shooter epidemic? I think we need black person reform.

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How come 2A people don't just stand out in front of schools with their guns and dissuade any school shooter? Surely there are enough gun nuts in America that they could set up their own rotating guards on every school.

Imagine if Kyle Rittenhouse and his crew were there that day, that shooter wouldn't have stood a chance.

>being the teacher
>getting to play the active shooter
>spend the entire class corner camping and jumpshotting a bunch of noobs armed only with backpacks and chairs

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There were armed police there and they just waited outside for swat to arrive.
Guns clearly don't work.
Even in Buffalo a few weeks ago, the armed dude was just murdered because you can buy kevlar at fucking Walmart in the US

>Twitter screenshot

I've been waiting for this to leak for a while now...

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how about making it illegal to buy guns?

Because I have a job, you fucking cretin

how about making it illegal to be black?

already tried that, didn't work

That's because police are pussies and they don't have Kyle Kittenlips Surgarhouse's killer instinct. The police need to be abolished the safety of the children needs to fall to the community.

How come no one in America is talking about the real problem in that modern society breeds absolutely fucked up soulless individuals who see no good future for themselves and some of them choose to go out in a bloody blaze of infamy instead of living one more day in this fucked up world?

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But they do talk about it. The left has been asking for funding for mental health programs for decades. It's the right that always votes no on socialized medicine.

They were not at the school, they were facing the school, and did not want to fire into the school. The school was also a gun free zone Thanks goodness for that!
They are less likely to shoot mexicans on sight even with probable cause with all the police brutality stigma going on too.

Police literally engaged with the shooter before he got in the school though. This argument is bullshit