This game is better than Dark Souls: Samurai Edition. It has tons of unique versatile builds...

This game is better than Dark Souls: Samurai Edition. It has tons of unique versatile builds, complex mechanics and has lots of replay value. It's just better simple as

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The collision mechanics and hitboxes are drastically more precise than Fromsoft games, this alone makes Nioh 2 feel more realistic and satisfying.

Nioh fag here, what about if we stop comparing nigh to dark souls. I mean, at this point its jus lazy bait.

What's the best burst counter and why is it definitely not brute?

It isn't comparable, Nioh is leagues higher than Dark Souls. It's like comparing ARMA to COD

I like Brute the best. It’s the brainlet one and it can’t counter everything. But it’s a good combo extender and you can just do it on reaction.

Brute is better specially on human bosses

You can't because the game is mediocre and the only way you can get some attention is by using a popular game as stepping stone.
It's pretty telling how even Code Vein pulls the "it's better than Dark Souls / Elden Ring" routine.

its impossible to play this jank after playing sekiro. I actually regret playing it because otherwise I was enjoying nioh 2

Brute for offense. Feral for defense. Phantom for the worst of both worlds.

Phantom is when you want to challenge yourself even further.
It sucks and its mostly shit. but its fun when you get the timing down.
I still regret picking phantom in the early game.

Well, I suppose it has an actual use. It has the lowest start up so you have more time to get in damage before you have to counter. The actual difference can't be more than like a single hit though compared to Feral. Maybe 2-3 in low stance with fast weapons. That isn't really a valid reason for me to ever choose it though. That seems like extreme min/max 'tism.

>ArmA nigger is a Nioh nigger
Next thing you are going to tell me Squad chads are Souls chads

Squad players are more like Ninja Gaiden fellas. It's really only dark souls that's not up to par with either playerbase

Better in theory, but it proves the addage that less sometimes is truly more. Diablo loot alone makes the game shit; don't give me shit about ignoring the loot either, if it can be ignored then it should not be in the game. But the stances are pointless, because each weapon never uses more than 2 stances, and most of the time not even 2; stances basically exist for fluxing and making the dodge not shitty. The skill trees are fucking cancer, and that you have to play through about 10 missions before you can even unlock some essential skills, while the tutorials are on par with those shitty Korean grind-fest encyclopedia-entry tutorials.

The game is also complete shitter-tier, because Tecmo made it so all those deep and complex systems aren't even necessary to learn. Any shitter can beat the game through way of the strong by learning the most basic bitch combo that is even simpler than what DS uses.

Nioh is shit.

didn't read plus you spelled adage wrong

It just isn't your type of game. The "Diablo loot" allows you to make extremely customized builds. The stance system is great. If you aren't taking advantage of every stance you are just straight up playing the game wrong. It allows you to have a different active skill on each stance input and like you said, allow you to manage your ki better through fluxing. Not sure what you mean about the skill trees being cancer. Can you explain? Having to unlock skills over time can be good or bad. You probably should have had Flux available from the start but as for the rest you can still get through the game fine up to that point. You understand why games do this, right? They are giving you time with the basics of combat so you can properly get a feel for everything. Then you slowly unlock more stuff as the game goes on. You progressively get a skill, learn it, learn what situations it is good in, then repeat for the next skill/mechanic.

>unsheathe a boss in ER
>964 damage
>iai a boss in Nioh
>999,999 damage
kneel, eldenfags

I always have 1 Brute spirit plus 1 Phantom or Feral spirit. I prefer Phantom overall, it's more reliable since you don't slip past shit. But Feral is really nice for countering any charging attack (e.g. Enenra tornado), it makes the timing easier since you can dash into them from a distance.

It's too complex to be popular.
Dark Souls may be meme-hard, but it's simple. Roll-poke-repeat.
Path of Exile may look complex because of muh skill tree, but game play is just spamming one skill. Maximum two.
Nioh, and Nioh 2 more so, is a complex game in both planning and building a character AND moment-to-moment gameplay execution.
Like you don't need to build and plan a character in Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry. You may have to unlock a couple of skills during playing through the story and learning the game, but after like 2 or 3 hours you launch the game and just go.
In Nioh you need hours, sometimes tens or hundreds of hours to make a build. And THEN you go.

It will never be popular, universally acclaimed and selling hundreds of millions of fucking copies, because majority of players are too lazy and or/dumb to commit.
They'd rather play Elden Ring or Zelda.

nigga who said anything about PoE stop shilling your meme game

Same fucking diablo loot nigger.
Learn to thing globally.

>the stances are pointless

ok who said anything about diablo either? they're not the first ones who invented loot mechanics your really embarrassing yourself at this point

>ok who said anything about diablo either?
>nioh thread
>half of the game is loot and set system lifted directly from diablo and its clones
>ok who said anything about diablo either?

>no proof
>is just a strawman narrative built on Any Forumseddit presuppositions
yeah try again newfag

>enter nioh thread
>people are talking about dark souls and diablo

>enter nioh thread
>immediately seethes and bumps thread for free
yep it's a fromtranny

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>no proof
Proof of what? Loot system? Did you fucking play any of the games I mentioned?
Are you medically retarded?

>he thinks diablo invented the looter genre
kek imagine being you

What game invented it then?
What was the first game with random loot AND random affixes on said loot?

Maple Story, a 2D side-scrolling MMORPG that is similar to Ghost Online.

But the one who popularized it is Borderlands and Overwatch.