Sniper bros… it’s time to snipe

Sniper bros… it’s time to snipe.

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uhmmm, Chud, not a good time to promote a game that incites shooting people, yikes...

>snipe muh ebul germans part 5

This series is okay but really hasn't budged an inch since v2 feels like rebelion just churn them out to stay afloat.

The kills look amazing but the general gameplay looks so generic. Is it actually fun?

To be fair, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

sniper elite series is 13 year old "epic sniper ninja" fascination incarnate, but to a charming degree

What's the user review

metascore reviews from "journalists" and "reviewers" are worthless dogshit, it's all bought and paid for, the only genuine reviews come from users


*loads up sniper elite 3 cuz it's the same fucking game*

this. I appreciate the fact that it’s not trying something new and fucking it up. I know exactly what I’m getting into, and it’s in the 1€ game pass

>but it's not okay when cod does it!!

it is actually. but I can’t play cod in coop with my bro so I’m not interested

Not really, you fucking shill. Go tell the devs to fix the awful controls.
Perhaps mechanically the new game might be more interesting than the four previous copy-paste entries, but it runs considerably worse and the controls are awful, huge deadzone etc, impossible to use even the handgun properly. This is on controller. KBM is probably different.
I wouldn't pay for this game unless it's heavily discounted. They are already selling the "kill hitler" dlc for the 5th time when you start the game.

Sniper Elite 4 was hella fun with friends doing Free For Alls and teams
How is it this time around?

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That one cryengine tacticool sniper game (ghost warrior contracts 2?) did sniping better but sniper elite has better feeling kills.
Contracts also is a better game overall, it's just so fucking short and repetitive in the end.

Why don't we ever Snipe the Japs?

Nazis are the evil nazis that need killing, better not touch the crimes the nips and chinks did.

Never finished V2 or 3 but I've been having a blast in the German Jäger invasion gamemode. Satisfying when the game of cat and mouse comes to an end and I'm victorious in ruining someones mission.

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>KBM is probably different
It's one of the worst 3rd person shooters you can play on kbm

no i don't think i will

based fuck nazis and fuck trump

I don't think there would be as many good places to snipe in a jungle island hopping campaign.

>play and enjoy the 2nd game many years ago
>bought the 3rd game on sale around a month ago
>it was so bad I couldn't get past the third level
Holy shit. Is the fourth one any better?

Ghost Warriors contracts sucks. Garbage stealth, the gadgets are buggy as hell. You have to play it like CoD and just kill everyone in your way.