Is it dead?

Is it dead?

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No it's Evil Dead


Nah I still get matches immediately.
Demons need a fucking nerf though. I've won like 95% of my games as Necro I'm worried that it's complete bullshit on the other end because I'm fucking retarded.

From what I've seen max level survivor team in perfect sync will beat max level demon. BUT most survivors are total dogshit so demons just end up winning 99% of games.

Attached: Evildead 2022.05.24 - (640x480, 2.77M)

One survivors learn how to play the game will balance out. You don't want pathetic killers like Dead by Daylight has.

>get match instantly
>someone leaves after 5 min of waiting for the console player to load

No, matches are still happening at lightning speed. It just can't maintain many threwads on here amidst the endless fucking spam.

I get that and I don't want to go down the dead by daylight path at all but I just keep worrying that the demons are going to alienate new players since every game I play ends before the dark ones and i dont really know what the survivor experience is like.

What is the best way to build Hunter? I was playing minmax damage oneshotting everything and taking the boss down in seconds, but then one demon possessed me and wiped my whole team, so I don't think that's actually a good idea.

This is technicly true but Demons are still overtuned. Early game rushing survivors and possession spam is insanely strong currently.

ya don't like the vidya butts threads?

I still get matches pretty quick. Hate getting matched up with people who refuse to stay close or do the objectives in a reasonable time instead of walking around sightseeing letting the demon get stronger than he should be allowed. I get real pissed when people who run to the opposite end of the map by themselves get fucked and die and then leave the game because they're pissed because the others won't drop everything they're doing to run over and pick their stupid asses up.

I do love it though but they need to start rolling out some updates and more content because I can't see this formula lasting super long without some more incentives to play.

They also need to fix the animation cancel too.

Though, I had a Pablo in my game driving the team around and that was annoying as hell, because he makes a car a stealth bomber.

Yeah I think demons will get nerfed if the devs know what they're doing. Right now it's too hard for solo q survivor and if survivors quit en mass because they get stomped every match the player population will die.

They need to fix objectives spawning right next to each other. I had dagger and pages spawn at the nodes directly next to each other at the borders so they were less than 50m apart. Still won but it was gay.

Game is fantastic. Its mostly balanced with some Demon lean. It desperately needs an update. Anim Cancelling is slowly chasing off parts of the player base. Suvivors abusing it is strong but Demi-Eligos spamming undodgable bullshit lighting abilities is game breaking. If a Demon does it once I instantly disconnect.

We hate Epic Games Store so even if this board wasn't a cesspool of waifus and Wojaks, there wouldn't be much discussion about this game.


Try not to always pick up legendary items, for one.

Not your personal army, storewarfag.

>They also need to fix the animation cancel too.
That doesn't need a fix despite them appeasing some reddit faggot through a support ticket. The game's melee combat for survivors is absolutely dogshit without it. The only aspect of animation cancelling they have to remove is puppeteer's instant lightning cast on the elites.

>Demon does it once I instantly disconnect.
Oh in general I love the game. I play off and on through the week right now because I want more maps to help spice up variety.

I totally think animation cancel is the only bad thing that is causing issues. E.g., Eligos as you said, but also Arthur awful.

For the past two days I haven't run into a single Eligos demon who wasn't abusing animation cancelling. I just start animation cancelling myself if I see one and even if I'm not as strong. But yeah that shit needs to go for both sides because it makes Eligos go from strong to game breaking.

It's pretty annoying when I hold down the use button but because my character wasn't doing the actual animation it didn't go through and I have to do it again, ex. Lighting a lamp

Also it's on almost all consoles, just waiting on the switch version.

>Animation cancelling
Explain, I'm not sure I've noticed outside of survivors being able to stop a normal attack with pressing the finisher button. I never play as a demon so I don't know what you're referring to.

Right, I think they should be addressing all the clunky shit first and foremost before touching game balance.

Easy. You can aim mid attack animation to cancel animations early. So you aim the second your melee connects to drasticly increase your melee DPS or even move as fast as a car with a knife lunge. Demons can cancel a couple different ways but the broken one is Demi-Eligos cancelling the Lighting Storm ability to instantly cast it making it undodgable.

You can cancel any attack animation by pressing the aim button. This allows you survivors to skip the recovery animation after landing a hit and immediately swinging again. Gets pretty insane with two handed weapons. Gets even more insane with Puppeteer elites, who can start their lightning, cancel out of it, and attack while the lightning comes down.

It's when the puppeteer player cancels the windup of the lightning move on a possessed elite unit to instantly cast it and shock everyone in close proximity. It can't even be reacted to.

It won't beat DBD, but it will be competitive and maybe get BHVR to actually fix shit and make good content.

Also ED is on Epic so that is already a turn off to a ton of people.