Have you ever been to a live gaming event? If so, how did it go?

Have you ever been to a live gaming event? If so, how did it go?

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Autism must really suck to have

Awful timing.

What happened there?
If you just answer "autism" I'm going to track you down.

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I have been mentally scarred from the amount of autistic shit I used to do

I went to e3 once does that count

for me it's the pigtails with the bald spot.

I went to some of the very early GDQs. It was alright until about 2014 when they went corporate.

went to an overnight one. sat in the middle and kept letting loose silent farts that could peel paint. eventually everyone blamed it on some fat autistic guy who would just laugh when people were blaming him. the room stank even before i started letting loose. everyone looked like they hadnt showered in a month and was wearing clothes that were not washed in weeks
people were jerking off in the toilet stalls
brought a pizza to eat for the evening/morning and people kept waddling over asking for a slice, got tired of telling them to fuck off. had a girl hold the box and people stopped asking

I have but I was kicked out because I farted and belched too loudly as I was walking around the convention floor. they drew the line when I farted right next to a booth babe

Was it cool? Did you play anything good prior to release? How was the smell?

My wife cheated on me and gangbanged 5 other guys multiple times.

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Are these good spots to pickup girls? I have literally never seen a decent looking guy here and they all look like they smell

Why would you want a gf that goes to speedrunning events?

He wanted to banter with the girl next to him and her body language shut him out intentionally or unintentionally.

cause sex
what about cosplay events then

thanks user

There's such a bad shortage of women, you'll probably have to share one woman with multiple other men! (see )

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The good ol days man

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This webm is so kino if you block out the back.

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