It was aight

Gameplay was solid, with the only thing being ass was how missiles were reduced to "puzzle solving".
Script wise, I'll never understand why Sakamoto wrote one script for Japan and another for the West. Did he change his mind after writing the Japanese one? Like what happened?

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>Sakamoto wrote one script for Japan and another for the West.
lmao what the fuck, what a clusterfuck. Dread still has Other M mentioned so it's still canon. How does that even work from a storytelling perspective? Are the differences small or are they deep enough to the point where you can rly only pick 1 to keep cannon.

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>Gameplay was solid
what the fuck are you talking about, sakamoto got nostalgic for the fucking nes and decided that a joystick wasen't needed in a 3d space, and then remembered that you could point the tv with the wii mote. so you're left with some fucking abomination of gameplay where you're fumbling between sideways wiimote and front facing wiimote, but you can't move in missile mode.
also, you have invincibility if you just charge your beam and tap the dpad in any direction, you have iframes forever if you do that.
exploration wise it managed to be even worse than fucking fusion of all games, doors keep locking behind you and areas are straight corridors to the next worthless cutscene with the most drab voice acting in videogames.
think before you start shitposting you retard

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>Gameplay was solid

Japanese one has Samus just wanting Adam to stop thinking of her as a child for naively, but justifiably, believing she can save everyone no matter the odds.
Western one is how Samus wants his attention. It's pretty much night and day.

Based. People only hated the game because it portrays Samus as a flawed, realistic human being instead of being Meme Doomguy in Space.

>He's bad at a Metroid game
Hahahaha, get good nigger.

you know when I see retards like OP defend other m's gameplay I understand why fromsoft's terrible games are so popular, most people have no fucking idea what constitutes good gameplay


No it wasn't fuck you and your revisionist garbage.


Those "people" are the ones that like other m though.

Prime trilogy are the only good Metroid games.

No they're not LMAO. Why are you fucking lying, tranny

Yes they are, just look in the mirror.

>He's projecting
How about you come to terms you'll stay a mutt, you gremlin

i literally cannot get filtered if i'm invincible in the game retards, i'll just tap the dpad and dodge everything without thought and strategy, and press foward to the next cutscene and an adhd zoomer who can`t bear the idea of more than one path ahead.
you go play some actual good metroid games where exploration matters and combat is engaging, like prime trilogy, super, zero mission and dread

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>he's malding

yes i am malding because some fucking contrarian degenerate coombrains are posting retardation online and trying to ustify this fanfiction as if it was redeemed becuase it had """""good gameplay"""""

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>he's also projecting

go jack off to your fanfic faggot, here ya go

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>he's still talking out his ass and projecting
LMAO, the state of DBZiggers

Objectively speaking, they're the only ones with any real challenge. Metroid I and II are bullshit, but Super Metroid onward trivialized exploration and gameplay.

>Japanese one has Samus just wanting Adam to stop thinking of her as a child for naively, but justifiably, believing she can save everyone no matter the odds.
This happens in the western version too. There's that whole fucking flash back with Adam's brother dying and Samus is like I can save him and Adam is the like the fuck you can and let's him die. What's with this fucking campaign to try and redeem garbage like this and Sonic 06? Completely insane.

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