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did they really have to make him black?


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hes evil

billy zane is greek, not black

retarded dub fag


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>playing kh in any other language than english
actual retard

post one (1) line from japanese ansem

It was a reference to the Chapelle Show.

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Nomura cringe

Unironically, what the fuck did he want?

>collect all of the princesses
>find way to Kingdom Hearts
>try to absorb the power of darkness
>actually Kingdom Hearts is light and kills him
>after that, he wants Riku's body again so he can ???

Eventually he just works for Master Xehanort, but he just is doing who knows what before that.

>kh subs
>kh1 subs
nah man
i played jp kh1 and it's really not that good except for riku
jp riku is legit more expressive and a better actor even in kh1

He wanted the power of Kingdom Hearts. Unrelated, but he's half of old man xehanort right? Isn't it kinda weird how he had some redeemable qualities, yet the guys forced to re fuse back into Terranort and just die? Also, is this the same Ansem that time travels, or the Ansem that still lives in Rikus heart?


In actual OG KH1, before any retcon concepts came to be, Kingdom Hearts was behind the Door to Darkness. Ansem wanted it like any other Heartless wants to get to the heart of a world through the keyhole. He thought it was SUPREME DARKNESS, but as we know by the end, it's the primordial light that was lost centuries ago.

Nothing after is really canon to KH1, because all of the lore got retconned multiple times, first by COM/KH2, then by BBS, then by DDD, then by KH3. Nomura didn't have things planned out before making any of those.

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He was a Heartless. He wanted to reach Kingdom Hearts to turn it into the ultimate Kingdom Heartless. It is the nature of Heartless to seek hearts and spread their infection.
Everything he said was nothing more than babbling as he followed his instincts.

The 'Ansem' in Riku's heart isn't really Ansem, it's more just a representation of Riku's darkness.

I don't think there's been any major retcons since DDD (maybe as far back as BBS) at least. There was enough sketchiness about Braig/Xigbar with that and BBS that him being Luxu isn't that off. Only real retcon I can think of is "Vanitas is actually a Darkness maybe and not just Ven's darkness".

I still think there was major hesitation on the writers' part between DDD and KH3 as far as what to do with the True Organization XIII. Ben Diskin raves about how most of the original Org members were unfit to be vessels in DDD, then all of those unfit members are made vessels/backups in KH3? It makes no sense and reeks of writer deadline desperation. Nomura kept the other members a secret because he just wanted a tweest and had no fucking clue how he'd resolve it.

Fuck, I really want to say you're wrong, but going over his qoutes I can't find any time where he gives Riku information he didn't already have, every in ingbhe says you could replace with a thought bubble.

Fair enough, I suppose, though what weirds me out more is how they kinda drop the "they're all Xehanort" thing for the True Org. None of them seem to be really affected by it (Luxord seems outright independent and it takes almost nothing for Xion to break rank, everybody else just works with them because they either are Xehanort (MX, SoD, Xemnas, YX and Terranort), it suits their goals (Xigbar, Saix sort of, Vanitas), they have nothing else to do (Larxene and Repliku, Marluxia)) so what was the deal with that.

That makes it even weirder because even KH3 tries to present the retcon that Xemnas wanted his Kingdom Hearts to turn his Organization into Xehanort clones. But apparently you don't even need to? You don't even need that bad of guys for the clash of 13 darknesses vs. 7 lights, just villains for hire who don't even care.
As justapancake sora says, "that's not very epic."

Half of the antagonist motivation in KH is just "dude what would happen if-" and extremely bad consequences following
It owns

I'm still confused why the good guys even go along with the seven lights thing. Why not... Not do that? Why overtly play into Xehanort's scheme?

Xehanort's motivation goes from "Dude what if light and dark were balanced" to "Wow world sucks I wanna make a new world where they can be balanced" to "fuck it, wipe the slate clean, burn it all down, make a DIFFERENT new world for unspecified good-sounding reasons".

In KH3, Larxene says some stuff about a *New* seven princesses of heart. The Org is keeping them on watch in case the guardians of light don't do their "job." It would have been more interesting if they had actually captured them, and the guardians are forced to show up and save them, but there was clearly some dev shenanigans about Frozen that could have prevented such an idea. Disney doesn't want disparate movie characters being in the same room anymore.

His original motivation was some science shit where he really just wanted to see what would happen if they summoned Kingdom Hearts again. It was endearing in how psychotic it was. Destroying the whole world for curiosity.

It's weird they bring up this idea, and yet there's only three of them known (I guess Kairi might still count but still), and two of them are from Frozen.