People sleep on this series, but it's really quite good

Especially 4. Kind of like Hitman crossed with MGS.
5 drops tomorrow and I'm hype to snipe.
Do you enjoy sniping? How do you feel about nazis

Attached: Capture.png (1326x934, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

the average jew is worse than the average nazi

But user, the average Nazi is a G*rman!

>Do you enjoy sniping?

>How do you feel about nazis
They never did anything to me or my people so I don't have any reasons to hate them. I don't give a shit about jews and nobody cares about the other europeans that died under them.

I liked 4 but not enough to play 5 at full price. Will probably hold out until it's $30. The game was pretty damn repetitive, it's better to play in bursts inbetween playing other games. The unlock system was kind of shitty and needlessly grindy too.

Oy vey its annuda shoa

would be a better game without the cringe WWII or Germans/Russians BAD setting.

Did anyone here actually play the VR Sniper Elite?
I was excited for it before it came out, but then when it dropped with very mixed reviews I skipped out on it.

Every. Single. Time.

>force-conscripted people of an evil regime are evil themselves

>Adam Rosenberg


Attached: smug.gif (498x280, 1.11M)

wtf i love sniper elite now

I was thinking about it yesterday after seeing a trailer for the new one, I love stealth and I love snipers so it seems like a no brainer that I'll like these games. I hate starting series halfway though so I'll play the others and work my way up.
Also imagine being a trucker during the war where your obligatory job is to deliver rations and stuff but I guess you're the devil on earth as bad as Hitler because a retard journo says so 80 years later. Because as we all know, the one thing certain in wars is that's they're always black and white.

Attached: 1639869526745.jpg (640x724, 36.48K)

But the Jews were the Nazis?

Yes, now don't forget to cancel a Russian today, goy.

>every German soldier is le ebil nazi
>every Russian soldier is le ebil nazi
>every white man is le ebil nazi
hmm I wonder what they could mean by that

Jews are the biggest cryfaggots on the planet, holy shit.

Sniper Elite had one neat gimmick but it relies entirely on you not getting bored of the gimmick.
>snipe a guy
>x-ray slow-mo footage of the bullet's point of impact and piercing through the body (like if you shot him in THE DICK you see an x-ray figure with a bullet bore through his crotch)
That's it. That's Sniper Elite's claim to fame. It's amazing they made 5 games out of it.

>simping for communists

look at this sickening nazi propaganda smdh

then they should be stripped of the honor of being nazis

It's the same game released over and over because rebellion are incompetent and realized they could make some money rehashing sniper elite 1945.

Alfred Rosenberg was right.

So I looked up the article, this guy is mad that SE5 has non-lethal takedowns lmao

The gameplay is in the lead up to the shot imo.
Sneaking to the right point, choosing the right target, timing the shot to avoid the shot being heard, and making sure the body won't be discovered.
Going through a whole map like that is a fun mental exercise highlighted with the bullet time mechanics.

It was too expensive. It should have been an add-on for 4.

Thanks for checking, that's somehow both less and more retarded than I expected

It's the same few battles
over again
it's like starting COD halfway through: nobody cares

they didn't make more WW2 for sniper elite to explore.


>5 drops tomorrow and I'm hype to snipe.
I'll definitely pirate

its alright for free

Do they really think we're stupid? The word "Nazi" is just means "Anyone who isn't a far leftist or ignorant centrist." When they say "Nazis deserve to die" they're just living out their fantasies of killing, I dunno, Trump supporters or Boris Johnson supporters or DeSantis or whatever flavor-of-the-week politician they're mad at.

No, they funded them though