Any Forumsbros... not like this

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I already don't fucking using voice on most games anymore. The TOS on a lot of games clearly and explicitly state that they record and monitor voice chat. It's fucking pathetic

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People are literally just going to talk around any filter.
Say Nigger without saying Nigger.

Do you know what this meme did today in the USA? Happy now?

This, you can't even join someone's session to harass them anymore. Gaming is only for soft non confrontational bitches now


The US needs to ban school shootings

yeah, this will only filter the people who find the word funny, not the idea

tell me what it did

No, but I do know what the intentional policy of having no security at schools did in the US, do you want to have a conversation about that?

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Sony already bans you for trash talk
MS already bans you for trash talk
Nintendo... you get the idea.
Not really a big deal at this point, you're never going back to the xbox 360 days unless you play on community servers on PC.

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it's sad but gaming is only for entertainment now, it used to be fun for people with insecurities too

Intentional? Who's behind that?

what's the W

The Golden Age of multiplayer is long dead.
I miss hearing kids shout nigger in game, the whole clusterfuck and chaos of it all.

Now every game is dead, no one fucking talks its all fucking awkward, everyone is in their own party chats on discord or whatever.
Games like battlefield don't even have voice chat built into their games, in Halo you can't even talk to the enemy team.

How the hell are you supposed to build a community in games anymore when you can't just shittalk people without getting fucking banned.

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They are trying to phase chat out of games entirely, they’re frustrated that the counterculture persists

>having no security at schools
Nigga those people have cops and metal detectors in schools, shootings will happen regardless of security in a country with free access to guns and shit access to mental and physical healthcare.

Well? What did it do?

Are you against airport security as well?

If you really haven't heard, 18yo transsexual shot children in elementary school.

>"schools have no security"
>"but they do, shooting instead happen because of X Y and Z problems"
Are you a twitter user? Is that how you completely misunderstood my point?

>so players can focus on the W
Really? Winning should be the focus? How toxic ugh

The people shrieking bloody murder at the idea of having armed security at schools, and hope people's otherwise good nature wouldn't put two and two together when you put the most VULNERABLE members of society that can elicit the biggest emotional response in a location that is clearly marked that it couldn't defend itself in the even of an armed intruder that doesn't concern themselves with said requirement to disarm.

American airport security? Absolutely. Rest of the world? No

School cops don’t get weapons do they?

>Nigga those people have cops and metal detectors in schools
Not present at the school you mentioned.
There was HALF AN HOUR, BEFORE ARMED ENFORCEMENT ARRIVED, and again the people who want people disarmed explicitly DO NOT want armed security in schools.


only an american problem
lol imagine being proud of having to have armed security at grade schools

american airport security is a joke
rest of the world seems fine not having to do a cavity search

They will start with hard banning words, then over time it will slowly progress to where you can ONLY communicate in every game with preset chat phrases. They’ll pretend all the companies decided that at the same time but the truth will be chat in game=no investor money

Maybe now they'll finally consider it a mental illness.

>How the hell are you supposed to build a community in games anymore
They don't expect you to. They want you to pre-order product, buy lootboxes, purchase battlepasses and don't ask questions.

focus on moving forward?

>Rest of the world? No

So you love the way they do it in the middle east? lmao

>hey bro lets just bring heavily armed men to protect schools
Holy shit, do Americans REALLY?

THAT is their solution?
Like, your schools are so underfunded and you want them to invest money they don't have into security guards?


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Not american, but what's bad about having the option to defend yourself? Criminals are gonna get their hands on guns no matter what country you live in. The only difference is you're helpless when they choose to attack you.

>How the hell are you supposed to build a community in games anymore
You're not. That's the point. Communities are centered around the game. It's much easier to convince the individual to buy the next game if he doesn't have any attachments keeping him in the previous game.

Hey, wanna talk about violent crime statistics without excluding everything but guns :)

Because there shouldn't be armed security in schools. There shouldn't be armed people walking around all over the place, much less without any vetting process whatsoever, even less so in a country that's gone to shit and where the powerful will never be threatened by those same guns.
The dreams of uprising against your masters with the right to bear arms is the most foolish take possible, we live in a world where people with power can move armies and hide themselves by making people without power fight one another over made up bullshit because they control the media, and thus the way you think.
Every law currently in place in the US is carefully chosen to keep the rich and poor exactly where they are, and it's only gonna get worse. A gun won't do anything when they roll the predator drones out.

On the W? The wang? wanker?

>and where the powerful will never be threatened by those same guns.

Wouldn't gun control make it riskier for the criminals to get one? It stopped Matthew C. Harris from unbreadening the Nigger tribe.

What the other anons said

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Don't forget the non-stop media exposure, glorifying these events and encouraging more of them


Literally just turn the fucking volume down.

back in my day we just called it a mute button but whatever

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