Glad this is finally the end

glad this is finally the end

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It's only getting started, Snoy. Enjoy Cuck of War 2: Raising Someone Else's Sonaboogaloo

What'd they do?

They gave us day one first party releases. At least Sony lets us pay them full price for their new games.

they gave me too many games for free and i don't have enough time to play them all

Any Forums can't afford $1/mo. because they live in Brazil

Just delaying Starfield but it's all snoys obviously
not xbox users

Nothing. Sony got caught being a jew with their PS+ upgrades so they're in damage control mode.
I don't know if they have any other mode anymore.
But at least they have the remake of TLOU to look forward too.

Nice to see all the shilling start to fall apart
Fuck off

They're not releasing any worthwhile games for the rest of the year. So now people are canceling their subscription.

playstation has no games

gamepass installs microshit apps you cant uninstall that run on start up even if you get rid of gamepass

proof required

you are making the claim so you provide proof retard

Sony's PS1 games run 50fps AND players are having to pay more on the gamepass

>t. professional shitposter 4channer letrolle

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>xbox isn't releasing anything new this year
Xbots....what happened?

Seethe, ESL.

>Remaking a ps3 era game
I hate this industry

explain how that statement was esl?

>Sony shits the bed yet again
>instant gamepass hate thread pops up

Cope ESL

Game pass is pretty good but i like forza and indie games

>i like forza and indie games
This is just a lie you tell to yourself to cope. You actually don't like them.