What change/innovation could bring life once again to the MMORPG genre?

What change/innovation could bring life once again to the MMORPG genre?

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Protection against datamining and company-sponsored assassination of youtubers

if only

Allow griefing again.

Bring the internet back and destroy the intranet.

Kill yourself

remove NPCs and quests

Nothing, it's dead until virtual reality is actually viable. IT'S FUCKING DEAD JUST STOP

Send min/maxers and third party damage meter users to in-game gulags where they have to solve advanced calculus to escape

It's unironically a solved genre. You could make a new game with new mechanics, new quests, new pvp systems, the whole nine yards, but because it's an MMO and things like wikis exist and everybody knows about them, you can't have mystery and fun anymore.

also remove PvP

A.I. Mostly natural speech systems, but also procedurally generated maps, stories, characters, and basically everything, including NPC that have a meaningful, if ever so small, impact on everything. Too. It will be awesome. In 20.. 50 years. Maybe 100. You guys ready?

open pvp with meridian59/archeage-style crime and justice system.
no focus on raids
lots of fun quests that aren't just fetch quests a-la runescape

>open pvp

Nah fuck off griefer troon

Go play Mortal Online 2. Its basically nothing but ingame faction wars and griefing.

open world pvp does not fucking work anymore, no one wants to be spawncamped these days or have all their shit taken if you're meaning that stuff too. they keep trying and again and again less and less people want to deal with it. too many fucking assholes on the internet now, no civility, no netiquette, fuck that

The only solution.


Datamining has never been a problem for ultimate fun.

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That's not the ultimate problem.

That's nowhere near relevant; PvP, durability, and looting are some of the most important aspects of what to do.

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that's the point of having a crime system dipshit.

Nah. Fuck off griefer troon.

>min/maxers and third party damage meter users


Neither of these are a problem.

AI is potentially fun, but real players are already challenging, intense, exciting, and thus fun.

Nothing is a problem with PvP when properly designed. Spawning is as simple as a city and/or specific buildings.

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allakazam existed in eq1 days, your argument is invalid. the way to reinvigorate teh genre is to rewind time pre-2006 (before iphones allowed for idiots to dominate the market share) to when these games had a soul and weren't sold off to the highest bidder to run into the ground

>when these games had a soul and weren't sold off to the highest bidder to run into the ground
That's too vague.

See .

Fuck off minmax griefer scum
Go play a fucking idle auto battler or something

>Damage meters aren't a problem

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>[Not specific].
>[Not an argument].

>neener neener neener come and get me

Nobody wants to play games with you.

Copy manwhas interpretation of an MMO. Have a tower with 100 floors. Playing hardcore for years you may see floor 50 or so. High level players get penalties in certain areas on lower floors. Each floor is like a world. Floor 1 would be a homemade and there would be a tutorial tower with a ranking system to determine what level of gear you start with and can use on floor 2. Manwhas have the right idea of an ideal MMO setting and world. The tower of worlds is how it should be done. Also make "endgame" a literal pipedream that only elite players can get to maybe years down the line. Make it so players get stuck on each floor. Cloud based only to prevent datamining

Nothing about recognition of how well you're doing is an issue.

>[Not an argument].

>Copy manwhas interpretation of an MMO. Have a tower with 100 floors.
That seems bland.


>but real players are
dumb assholes that drop out of their RPG role the instant they see fit and it's a clusterfuck, unless you have your own gay little tight group of nerdy nerds to play with - which of course comes with a batch of many other downsides, such as always having to play with the same fucking faggots.
Let's face it, many games are best played against a computer. And that will only become ever more true.

I just want mmos to stop having low level dungeons to grind, forcing you to go out into the world to quest and interact with other players with open world pvp or doing tough quests together.
Focus on the experience of leveling up, which is the best part of MMOs. Only faggots like grinding the same instance over and over hoping for a 2% drop or playing a pve only game.

It creates a mindset that damage is the only thing that matters, and homogenization thus begins to keep up with this mindset, from the players and the devs

Well OP, a game with mining and crafting and dropping inventory on death and global PVP would probably not only revitalize it but become the best selling MMORPG game in the world.

The problem is above all the players.
If there was a way to only have players doing decent RP, the rest would be easy to solve.

combine modern gameplay with community interaction. imagine original WoW but without the pain in the ass grinding and with visual spectacle and fast paced action combat, cleaving through masses of mobs while questing and squaring off against an enemy player every now and then

>dumb assholes that drop out of their RPG role the instant they see fit
This is a design problem; an open world fix is an example.

>Let's face it, many games are best played against a computer.

Leveling is an inane problem. Nothing about it is exciting or very entertaining.

>It creates a mindset that damage is the only thing that matters
So what?

>homogenization thus begins
That's completely a design issue. PS: PvE isn't even that fun unless well designed.

RP is an effect of proper world-building and other design.

But how do you obviously produce community interaction?

make the game good. if you build it they will come