Dragon Quest 3 remake

Do you like this artstyle?

Attached: dragon-quest-3-hd-2d-remake.jpg (1280x720, 183.83K)

Yes. Looks like the DS games


Attached: le-remake-de-dragon-quest-iii-hd-2d-sortira-t-il-en-2022.jpg (789x443, 91.41K)

ye looks pretty cool


Not at all. Pixels only work when everything else is pixelated in the image, as well. When you combine sprites with 3D objects and non-pixelated textures it just looks cheap.

I really don't understand the point of it since they already re-released Dragon Quest III late in the SNES' life cycle and it looked fine, enemy animations and all.

Reminds me of dq6 but with more bloom

yes but i hate the blur and bloom effects.

Octopath, Triangle Strategy, Eiyuuden Chronicles, new Live-A-Live... love it

Why didn't they release it in order, since it's a trilogy?

DQ3 is largely considered the best game in the series by Japanese. They're obviously testing the waters. but where the fuck is it? Doesn't seem like it should take so long after the trailer dropped last year.

I generally like the HD-2D style but something about this game seems too bright? Idk I think moodier lighting serves the style better.

I still think it looks fine but I'd prefer it to look like Dragon Quest XI, even if the dev time probably would've ballooned as a result.

Attached: Dragon-Quest-XI-Metal-Slimes-2060x1159-3215154016.jpg (2060x1159, 614.91K)

>Eiyuuden Chronicles
KWAB that shit was exposed as a scam. The prequel they just released SUCKED dick.

Imagine putting your thick cock in Veronica's tight little wet cunt. She's like 20 years old or something too so it isn't illegal.

did they tone down the post processing?
i literally get a headache from octopath and triangle

DQ XI was gorgeous and I hope they manage to improve on it for XII

The character sprites are a tad tall, other than that looks good.

News when

>The prequel they just released SUCKED dick.
You mean the throwaway stretch goal game? Couldn't care less. The actual game will be kino.

yeah I just hope I can tone down the bloom a bit.

instead of a faithful 2D remake or a 3D reimagining of the game they take the cheaper option and half-ass both and throw in cheap post-processing effects to justify a full $69.99 release

zoomers will eat it up because it looks like a "back in the days game" that they were never alive to have played