Come on user stop playing vidya and train with me!

>Come on user stop playing vidya and train with me!
>What do you mean you already have swords in your game?
>But this is the REAL THING!
>Ok you didint want any other way huh?
>Get ready user!

Attached: 1653357350756.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)


Once again, I have to let men on Any Forums know just how blessed us men are:

>get to laugh at lesbians pretending to be a man and what we go through
>Can live on very little to gain a peace of mind while women have an unlimited craving for more material goods
>Less maintenance for hygiene on a daily/weekly basis
>Can actually keep secrets that men tell you to keep until the grave to no other soul
>Can work harder for longer and stay up longer to get shit done via testosterone which means more income if you want
>Can reproduce long after the age of 40 if we want to
>Can do activities alone for long periods of time if we want to and not feel alone
>No breasts so you don't have to wear a training bra and can take shirt off in public
>A dick instead of a pussy so all you gotta do is wash it once in a while unlike a hole
>No menopause
>No periods
>No cramps
>No pregnancy for 9 months
>Can go out at night and feel more safer than any female
>No estrogen fucking up your logical thinking
>Don't have to get married/be in a relationship to feel complete
>Don't have to have kids to feel complete
>Can actually have friends who care about you
>Can have hobbies you like instead of just for attention and validation
>Don't have to put makeup, wigs, weave, eye extensions, etc.
>Not as emotional and exploited via agendas with said emotions from the government and corporations (I said not as emotional there are still weak emotional men)
>Can separate lust from love meaning we can fuck multiple women and still love 1 at at time
>Can fuck hookers/hookups and feel just as satisfied as having a wife/girlfriend unlike women who do hookups and hate themselves more and more
>Don't need socializing 24/7 to feel like life is worth living

Do not ever forget that society itself is set up to help women survive above anything else especially in times of comfort(Gynocentric), but that does not mean they have it better.

Do NOT be envious of a woman's body. Look at her mind.

Attached: 1649175304468.jpg (375x500, 20.57K)

Stop talking to yourself and train properly brat, and out on some clothes before I call the cops.

You sound like a huge faggot.

>tranime weebcels be like

id pretend to go along with her "training" or whatever the fuck and then midway id just rape her, lol


why are you naked?

nice armpits

>Any Forums niggers that think they fit in be like


My swordwife is superior to this whore.

Attached: Key to life's ether.webm (450x450, 432.13K)

never understood the idol culture and low birth rates meme. Japanese people are fucking deviants.

>gets fired for doing a bad job with DS2

Grow her tits by one or two cup sizes and that's the perfect body.

She is forcing herself to jiggle

>cant enjoy this webm because been training kendo for the better part of 10 years and all I see is poor form

why are you asian?

This thread is going to be deleted anyway. I'm so lonely. It's starting to hurt. And I don't mean in the emotional "Ryan Gosling screaming meme" way, but actual physical pain. Feels like there's a huge weight crushing my chest. My heart and clavicles hurt.

Put some armor on, you dumb bitch, you're gonna get hurt.

tfw I will never a have gf

>eye extensions

Attached: spenjorb.jpg (480x360, 17.8K)

Needs more booba


Extremely gay. This is the most sought after body type.

This. I haven't socialized in 10 years and feel great.

I'm 25 year old virgin
And I'm racist, I wouldn't want an asian bug

What did she mean by this?

>This is the most sought after body type.
No shit, because men are being turned into onions faggots by the millions per day. You are one of them.

>chosen unfed

Code! Now!

>onions faggots
Because they make you cry? Because they have layers?

turn around so I can laugh at your pathetic ass

i like how even being skinny she still looks healty

Attached: Kendo_target_areas.png (461x599, 74.4K)

fuck your shit nigger. huge titties are an impediment and look like cow udders.

>So fucking skinny that holding the sword out is a struggle
Skinny bitches deserve the rope

Attached: 1451772599241.png (510x346, 209.41K)

I'm 37, have had sex with over 100 different women, have had several long term relationships and currently happily married.

You know how you grow a woman's tits? Breed her. Get her pregnant and the pregnancy hormones balloon their tits.

Fulfil your destiny, user. Do it.


Anyone who unironically thinks that isn't the most perfect figure a girl can have needs to be beheaded.


go back election tourist

I need a petite asian gf so bad

>into onions faggots

did you mean to say onions?

whoa, she's hot