Thoughts on vidya tattoos?

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they are gay

Tattoos are gay.

I am a vidya tattoo and I am gay

tats are gay
portal is gay
op is double gay

>a black man entering you and coming out on the other side
nice tattoo, fag

gays are tattoos


Gay. Like you

Mario jerking off your dick tattoo

>can only think of black gay men

someone is a homo and they don't know it

Mutt's Law.


Only good if they're subtle like this one.



tattoos should resemble something you want to remember. maybe a girl that you miss or a bible verse, whatever anything is better than a vidya tattoo. don't do it

Having a tattoo of a commercial product is a clear indication that you are an empty shell of a human being.

It's okay I guess, but I can tell by the hair this is a man and he shaved his legs for that. So definitely a faggot.

IF she has even one tattoo, never relax

>doodleniggers are subhuman
And water is wet

but portal was made with love and passion from the devs.

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They're not wrong, but that is a clickbait site.

That retarded swastika is pretty cool