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What video game is this you cum-guzzling negroid

Globesisters... Not like this...

we call it the little game of "logic"

damn, it's air tight

>visible horizon is relative to altitude
>this is why ships lookouts aren't set in the lower decks

>le planted schizo conspiracy to discredit all dissidents
Good goy!

But I can see the curve though

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Its not curved in all directions, think of a halo ring but life is on the outside

Based. Facts and logic trump feelings yet again.

I will never become an artist.

So, flat earth believers, why do THEY lie?
It has a reason that is shared by the community or varies?
What is the end game here?

There was a pretty simple mathematical formula for height of a cell tower's range, if you flat Earth retards require a modern example.

Even bronze age Sailors knew the Earth wasn't flat.

>Zoom on ball enough to be representative of the perspective of a human
>Looks flat
Flat niggers just don't understand the size of earth

Remember that time flat earthers spent tens of thousands of dollars on a laser gyroscope to measure the rotation of the earth, got 15 degrees an hour proving the globe and 24 hour rotation, and then pretended they never did the experiment?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Thanks Bob!

or how different camera lenses work

descredit real conspirancy.

games with this setting?

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lol globetards rekt again.

the end game is people who have been called stupid their whole lives can cling to something like this with other stupid people in order to feel validated. it's not about being right, it's about not feeling like a loser and they'll abandon all logic to achieve that

>flat earthers have no model that shows the day/night cycle and seasons together