Was it really that horrible?

>GoldenEye remake gets downloaded 231 million times
>FF7 Remake comes out and flops, the digital remaster flops

Attached: ff7.jpg (1280x720, 93.63K)


>retro CoD its wildly more popular than niche jrpg

Attached: 1627090160184.gif (288x288, 1.93M)

100 million dollars were spent marketing FF7 in the US alone in 1997

>Tell me all my life you might remake my favourite game
>Finally announce after 20 years you're remaking my favourite game, long after I've moved on
>Imply it's a literal remake in the way I wanted it
>It isn't at all, you changed the ending and made the plot gay generally
It's pretty bad yea.

>GoldenEye remake gets downloaded 231 million times

>the digital remaster flops
Again, huh?




Its almost like the ff7 thing should have been a remake and not whartever the fuck it was.

gonna cry?

Nobody likes buying a remake game with the subtitle PART 1

>GoldenEye remake
gotta link?

I have zero interest in FF7R even though the original is one of my favorite games. I don't think that I speak for majority of people, but for me it's mostly the fact that everything has become way too weeb-heavy in the remake. You might say it has always been like this, but in the older Final Fantasy games much was left to your imagination, and in my head these people talked to each other in normal voices and not like some 16 year olds with these weird anime grunts and high pitched voices. Everything by nu square enix is just so goofy and tasteless. I don't have anything against a good amount of anime-style in games, in fact I enjoy that. But there is a happy middle ground between a colorful tone and just being pure cringe. There are examples that do it quite well, but FF7R isn't one them for me.

Attached: New-pants.jpg (700x696, 79.63K)

Yes. FF7 was never good.

Tifa's stock weebshit overacting animation combined with her vacant stare during her dialogue was really offputting

I'm playing through FFVIIRE is it's really a slog. They shouldn't have added all those fetch-quests. Plus there's something about the slums that make it boring as fuck, nothing like what I'd expect from dystopian slums. And Cloud is a really boring guy to follow around.

The Wii remake that was shit, or just the patch that adds mouse controls?
Because I doubt 231 million people have downloaded the Daniel Craig remake.

Even if they hadn't let Nomura inject Kingdom Hearts nonsense into this it wouldn't have been any better because it was nothing but corridors and boss battles.

The time for the FFVII remake was early/mid PS3.
Nowadays is just too late.

The annoying thing about everyone complaining about time jannies is it makes it seem like the game only had one flaw. I wouldn't even mind the jannies if the game was good but it's a fucking slog.

For me it's the complete lack of Ff7r not being an rpg. The shit is a pure action game now. Not to mention its only one tenth of the game, and they're going to jew every single cent out of people.