No good online multiplayer games

>No good online multiplayer games

That’s why I’m playing on my own, these days, I guess. Not sure if anyone else feels this way.

I have what I call my “fugue state.” It’s a fairly “timeless,” focused, self-centered state, where “everything flows.” I can play a lot of games, when in this state, but many hours can go by, and it’s exhausting.

I couldn’t describe what I’m doing, to save my life. In fact, the best way to break it, is to ask me what I’m doing. I stutter, grope for words, mumble, etc. I can make detailed, articulate inputs, demonstrating it, but I can’t verbalize it. I sound like a blithering idiot.

It seems I do not do well anymore, with co-op or online gaming.

I also get pissed when I’m yanked from that state. I get quite cranky. Lasts for about half an hour, afterwards.

That kind of thing makes it hard to play well with others. When I was a pro gamer, I didn’t have that issue.

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You faggots are ruining this face for me

Afro american, u gay.

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Shut the fuck up

I just feel as if you folks have been "on the spectrum," all along, but people are looking for it, these days. Nonverbal autistic people are still quite rare. I know a few (actually, I know their parents, and, through them, their children). Tough gig.

High-functioning autistic folks can actually have advantages. We can be socially awkward (usually, abruptness, and nonreactive to emotional stimulus). It would easily be brushed off as "He's just a bit odd." Doesn't seem to be an actual disability; especially if the person is a wizard at some skill.

In my case, I'm a really, really good gamer. I can map out a fairly complex system map in my head. It helps me to avoid writing things down, which affords flexibility. I am also anal about Quality and completion. Most of y'all would probably laugh at my Steam achievements and PlayStation trophies.

An ex-friend of mine was absolutely jaw-droppingly good. He regularly stunned the top teams in tournaments, and he had a high school diploma.

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>Played some Deep Rock with a couple buds. >Then Evil Dead The Game the next day.
Sounds like a (You) problem

>reddit x family
go back

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lmao fuck off retard spy x is kino

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>all the edits only coming out after the anime

cringe faggot


Well said Chadow

I'm sorry. It must be my autism, but I don't really understand the post. Was I supposed to be insulted? It may have fallen wide of the mark, if so.

Blow your fucking brains out and die if you ever insult FFXIV again

OMG she is SOOO attractive...

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How bout you go back to getting some bitches lol gottem

I'm fucking tired of you schizos railing against anything that "you don't like." I was simply stating how I play video games, on a regular, daily basis, and it gives me the results that I require.

And, I know, for a fact, that you schizo posters are little incel chud tranny cucks. I know this, because I have been in the discords and talked to the posters that decide to do this shit, and that was the consensus. I don't even have an opinion on whether or not that is bad. Many of these posters do great work.

Maybe things are better, done in ways beyond my limited, saurian, comprehension.

All I can say, is that I'm able to churn out a lot of posts (and get through a lot of games), of extremely high Quality, in a remarkably short time, far ahead of you prehistoric cretins. I know that Moot made Any Forums, in order to allow a very small niche community to create high-Quality and fun posts, in very short time (again, because I've talked to him). People like me, posting the way I do, were what he had in mind, as he developed the site.

I stopped making high-effort posts here, some time ago. I stopped when I made a post, and anons (and probably jannies too) decided it was so good, that it deserved to get shitposted and soijak'd into the ground.

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>edgelord the twitterhog
Go back

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Based Chadbob

cry us a river reddit faggot


It wasn't a good post, you're fucking retarded

I'm sorry. I must be thick. I still don't really understand. It appears as if I am being told that I'm a reddit "faggot" and "fucking retarded".

That seems pretty insulting, to me. It might help, if you reached out, personally, instead of deciding my personality, based on a single post on an anonymous internet forum. I’m actually a pretty decent chap, and I’m not particularly up for online catfights.

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