Literally the same character archetype

>Literally the same character archetype
>Any Forums thinks left is bad but right is good


Attached: paladin+comparison.jpg (1588x1000, 362.35K)

Right is cute, and cuteness is justice.

I've never seen the traditional overly-zealous religious paladin in any newer western media

they exist but they are always evil

Literally all you need to do is make a character cute and you can make them the most heinous being and people will still like them.

damn she's cute

paladins are white

Seelah deserved better.

>Is a shitty paladin simply because she is not enough of a lawful autist to be able to look the other way when people are getting hurt or suffering
Unironically too good for the class.

Left is a nigger. Anything compared to that is better.

Niggers are ugly. Simple as

>is a black female
every time

Left could've been cuter.

Also, left was an awful paladin who sits back and lets your commit murder and evil for months on end before she even leaves your party.

This, it's become so encompassing that you even see instances of paladins that are zealous but willing to compromise and not willing to condemn individuals wanton and the audience reaction is "so when are they going to become evil?" like Turalyon in Warcraft

>no book

Left is supposed to be "Lawful Good" but all the story she acts "Chaotic Good".

I'm just guessing the one on the left went through "hardships" as a child and is rebellious against the order, and won't shut up about it?

Who's the cute girl?

Not really, for the latter at least.

>dark paladin
It's just that simple.

Attached: nigga u dark 4rl.png (640x480, 472.52K)

Stop shoehorning niggers into European-style fantasy games. It's really that simple. Make an African-style medieval fantasy game and you can throw as many niggers as you want into it. As a matter of fact, I don't even want to see a single whitey in it. Diversity is a joke, and every single race is better off without it

All the alignment shit in Pathfinder is absolutely retarded. Especially the ones you can choose.

Because the one on the left is a nigger, stupid

what anime is the right from?

Have you heard left?

>Limp hold on the sword
>Neutral, empty expression that inspires nobody
>Has no style or anything. It's just a short woman in armor.
>Confident posture while not looking down on her target
>Posture exudes confidence in her beliefs and abilities
>Carries style in her appearance while retaining functionality
>Lack helmets, therefore are exceedingly vulnerable to a stray arrow

not gonna lie, i prefer right cause she is cute
but despite that, seelah sucks cause she is not a real paladin in the game, atleast not as a paladin should be, when one expects a paladin, one thinks of a huge moralistfag that does everything based on hist faith and beliefs, not just some warrior with healing magic, also dreadlocks look atrocious in her character