This game is kicking my fucking ass

this game is kicking my fucking ass

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this is the best one

sorry, I forgot that's not how you start a thread here, so here's some ciel

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1 and 2 were much harder, did you even play those?

what mission in particular is fucking you up
only one from z3 i really dislike is the underwater library, all-around unfun and poorly designed

even harder? fuck, this series is harder than castlevania for me
track d.e. signal mission underwater is ass, man

use elemental weaknesses
memorize level layouts and boss patterns
use the charge slash
use your buster

You'll beat it, then play 4

It kicked /mmg/'s ass too.

>12 year old kid getting corrupted

just outrun the submarine or whatever it was, user. the sub boss and stage boss are easy mode jobbers

To be fair, /mmg/ is a bunch of unironic zoomers that discovered mega man with the GBA games and most are just there to hang out and play kirby games/gacha.

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Lol grow some muscles i dont know

Not even the grand prize of cunny could motivate them to do well

>speedrun challenge
>replays a level
What kind of speedrun is that?

Hey now, MMX was my first game on the SNES. It was the NES games I discovered on an emulator on my parents' Windows 95 machine back in the day.

I will keep trying

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Nice cocks

The goal was simply to complete the game before a set time limit with a specific rank in order to win an image of cunny. Speedrun may not be the right name for it.

>S rank speedrun for cunny
Never underestimate autism

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Just use elves. They're there for first timers who don't know their way through the game yet. Once you know what you're up against try a ranked run without elves. It'll seem a lot more fair.

Just enable the saving thing, doesn't penalize you in the slightest

Might as well call it racing against a clock. However, when it comes to speedrunning, you have those marathon events, and even then you'd call it speedrunning. They're just trying to beat the game fast, maybe under some special conditions if applicable.

If you became a fan during the gba era at least you got access to a ton of old and new megaman games

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how does the difficulty of zero compare to the other games?

Zero is probably the most difficult, but only due to how punishing it is (if you don't use elves). None of the challenges presented are much harder than stuff in the Classic or X series, you're just allowed to fuck up more in those games.

oh, okay. maybe i should play more of those games first, then. played x and mega man 2 years ago, i believe, but never finished either of them and have almost no memory of them. thanks.

and also the easiest one IIRC because it's the only one I've got, finished and even beat the optional boss

I agree, it's the easiest Zero game, but it isn't easy.