
How important are textures in your games? Do you NEED it? Or is it more SOVLFVL without them?

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didn't read, just wanna rub my cock all over that tum

>Textures : High
>everything else medium or low

>being poor

that looks like wet plastic though

Based fellow Walmart laptop user.

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lighting and animations are more important

Mhxx is built for impregnation

BORING. lets argue about AA instead. Fuck smaa, fxaa chads wya?

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I don’t give a flying fuck about graphics

Dont care I'm not a graphix whore.

You'll take TAA and you'll like it.
No modern game is offering anything else besides TAA and maybe FXAA (but why?).
Otherwise, it's TSR, FSR2.0, and DLSS2.x for the foreseeable future

for me it's SMTXGGSHBSSMSAA 16x

I like TAA. It really smooths out those distracting edged jaggies.


Textures are fine as long as they're readable and not literal pixels.

typical chud response, the future is lgbtqpaa

GTA V is like the shittiest example you could use for antialiasing

Meanwhile ITT: 3D illiterate people comment on things they don't fully understand.

mhxx thread?

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textures are 90s tech, now it's all shaders

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what gaem

for me its 4k dlss
aa is for poorfags

mewtwo physique