What's the greatest MMORPG of all time?

What's the greatest MMORPG of all time?
And why is it OSRS?

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World of Warcraft Classic in 2004-2007

Burning Crusade sucked ass. Classic was a genre defining game that blew everything out the water, and it took a decade for other mmos to catch up.

Guild Wars.

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>World of Warcraft Classic in 2004-2007
Runescape 2 was vastly superior, and so is OSRS.
Which is why OSRS is still played by hundreds of thousands, and Classic is dead.
Cope, seethe, dilate WoW sister.
I will at least grant you that your shit game is vastly superior to Final Faggotry.

Guild wars really was cool. I loved necromancy in it.

Runescape players are mentally ill.

Haven't played it, but given what it morphed into with GW2, which I have played, I'm skeptical.

No it wasn't, runescape controlled and handled like shit, and had awful graphics in comparison.

One of World of Warcraft's greatest things was its gameplay. It just played and controlled and felt better than any other MMO on the market.

It pisses me off when people use "Classic" for the old game. We used to call it vanilla, even in the presentation of Classic they used vanilla to describe it.
Classic is precisely the new version of the base game. It's like calling the original Warcraft 3 "Reforged", it's retarded.
But when it came out it was like everyone forgot about the word vanilla.

>le controls
>le graphics
lmao, like it matters
>better gameplay
This is really subjective, so lets say it is, the underlying mechanics of the gameplay in WoW are way worse.
The beauty and strength of RS mechanics is its simplicity.

If your dogshit xp tower your mom gave you couldve run crusade you wouldve played it

Ragnarok online for me

I started playing OSRS this year.

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>Which is why OSRS is still played by hundreds of thousands
hundreds of thousands of bots lmao

Ultima Online, 1996-1998

>game's still going strong
>with player numbers actually increasing
>lmao they're all bots
Whatever helps you cope non-OSRS cucks.
My MMORPG will still be here long after yours is dead.

Insane RS3 tranny cope.
Your dogshit Disney saturation troon pride rally game actually has far more bots than osrs does, ratio wise. You just don't hear about them because nobody plays that dead ass game.

Runescape doesn't control/handle like shit at all, you're too low IQ to grasp it. Runescape is a high speed turn based game where every turn takes 0.6 seconds (the "tick" system). Inputs are registered instantly, but they are only applied at the start of each new tick, which is every 0.6 seconds. Once you understand that, the game is fluid.

But as I said, low IQ. Hopeless. Sorry.

Do you actually believe anyone is going to be playing this dogshit cookie clicker in 2022? It has a small autist and addict playerbase, and the rest are bots and third world gold farmers. It's as dead as any other mmo today. The whole genre is a graveyard.

shame that OSRS was ruined by 'updates' (content removal), but that was to be expected, that is the jagex process after all.

>Do you actually believe anyone is going to be playing this dogshit cookie clicker in 2022?
I do, yes. I started playing this year
Not only that, I believe the player numbers will continue to gradually increase in the years to come (not accounting for unforeseen events, like Jagex fucking up, the company being sold to a money hungry owner that introduces microtransactions or a global financial depression).
But as it stands, OSRS is the best MMORPG on the market by a wide margin.

>the company being sold to a money hungry owner that introduces microtransactions
I've got bad news for you user. If you've been following RS3 development at all, you'd know the current new owner is absolutely capable of pulling this. RS3 has been turned into nothing short but a private server over the last year or so. Nothing is sacred anymore, I'd fear for MTX in OSRS.

>I've got bad news for you user. If you've been following RS3 development at all, you'd know the current new owner is absolutely capable of pulling this.
It's not beyond the realm of possibility, and if it happens I'll stop playing... probably.
But we've seen this happen before. EoC, Squeal of Fortune. It's also not beyond the realm of possibility that a little bit of rioting will change the mind of the suits, should it happen.
OSRS staying as is, while they milk RS3 dumb-dumbs seems like the best course of action, financially speaking.

lord of the rings online

is mediocre.

It's pretty commendable that the OSRS guys have been able to keep RS3 micro transaction shit out of their game for so long. Unfortunately some executive is going to come along and force them to do it eventually, I think. I hope I'm wrong but nothing lasts forever.

I knew what your spoiler text was going to be word for word. This is the sort of regurgitated shit you make fun of Reddit for. Be better.