What went wrong with Borderlands 3?

What went wrong with Borderlands 3?

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It was a borderlands game

Accurate,by the the time 3rd one came out the series was already known as the annoying meme shooter with the garbage tiny tina character

Shooting seems better but the new vault hunters seem annoying and their builds seem to come with lots of downsides
>you get big mech but you can never use it
>beastmaster is gimped if you don't use the beast so it sucks or you pimp the beast and you suck
>lame clone
>indian chick instead of 2 previous that were way better

I tried the 2.5 game and I legit would have made it further if the game would just shut up

In a series with the most annoying, obnoxious characters it had the worst of them so far.

>What went wrong with Borderlands 3?
Tumblr, Reddit, Internet Dorks.
The kind that write edgy Sonic fanfiction and think it's cool.

the classes are boring.

The gameplay was good but the villains and writing were garbage. It doesn't help that the main writer was in a dick measuring contest with BL2 to make his shitty vault monster the strongest creature in existence. Troy had the potential to be a good villain but instead they killed him of too early and the final boss was the worst design I've seen in a while.

I never played it due to the characters

The franchise is not even worth for porn. I hope it dies soon.

The writing. Visuals and shooting mechanics were surprisingly good, needs more variety, better writing and better looking characters.

>gets a free copy from epic
>pick Mech girl and start playing
>first 30 minutes revolves around following this zoomer unfunny robot
>makes you fight 10 seconds then you have to listen to funny joke.exe
I feel scammed even if this game was for free, truly a joy black hole of a game


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Borderlands was never good

It's funny how the worst character in the franchise also spawned the best content of the franchise

way too much effort on a tryhard woke plot that took away from gameplay
couldn't enjoy the available gameplay because cringey zoomer shit including, but not limited to "HEY EVERYONE, ILL LITERALLY DO WHATEVER FOR LIKES AND SUBSCRIBES"
Dis gurl is on fiya
Neuter kreig, kill Maya, leave out the "offensive" characters, and introduce some stupid kid
No charm
Take your pick

One was perfect, 2 was broken, bus still enjoyable enough despite that, 3 was shit from the beginning

>introduce twin villains
>only ever fight them one at a time
>girl turns into a gross monster thing
they had some strange subplot where it was implied they would have a falling out of sorts but instead nothing happened then the game was over and lillith became jesus or something, pretty gay desu

Repulsive characters with shitty leftists writing that's about social decay unrecognizable gender roles but most importantly nothing inspiring. It's not even good for the lowest of basal instincts which is lust, ie coomer content. It's just frivolous, uninspired, generic humor that doesn't bite nor does it inform the audience, no satire and no punchline.
It's what you get when you gut the cheap bread&circus entertainment of years past of violence and sex. Say what you will about the boomers but at least they had fun while burning down civilization. These castrated idiots who masquerade as progressives can't even have fun while they destroy everything.

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The dialogue, apart from that it was ok

oh fuck you made me remember i literally had to mute the entire game but turned it off then since it was the end


From a gameplay perspective? Nothing. It was an improvement. From a story preservative? Everything. But then again, who the hell cares about the story in Borderlands?