Why don't they just make persona online instead of shit nobody cares about...

Why don't they just make persona online instead of shit nobody cares about? Sega is retarded and i hope this flops like NGS.

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op is a faggot

cope shit eater.

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How do you make a ''big budget'' its just and arcade game, are they going to put a story mode on it? online taxi delivery matches?

I want Future on PC.

i really dont see those game benefiting from a big budget, theyre meant to be replayed over and over for points/time etc so idk where all the budget is going to go, im pretty sure no one wants a fully cinematic story mode for either game

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GTA scaled Crazy Taxi.

>big budget reboot
i guess Beast Rider flew over their heads

This is their next shenmue i guess.

>persona online
lol???? zoomers

>persona online
Because you morons didn't give a shit about Persona prior to 5 and aren't a loyal playerbase.

crazy taxi is a 6-game series and JSR gets a 'reboot' every other year.

>big budget crazy taxi reboot
so the new cyberpunk
>jet set radio reboot
so it's going to be worse than bomb rush cyberfunk

Is this the stupid shit that was meant to be segas MEGA game costing millions?

Fuck its shit like this which makes me want sega to go bankrupt. They are the cockroaches of gaming. No matter how badly they fuck up they just wont die

If it's live-service F2P then I can't think of a worse IP to attach that to, it's gonna suck all the artistic expression that the originals were built on right out of it. Plus, the composer whose sound is synonymous with the series is almost certainly not on-board.
>Crazy Taxi
I honestly think this is a good fit. Crazy Taxi's identity from the beginning was simple gameplay and a ridiculous amount of licenses being thrown in your face between brands and music. You can load a F2P Crazy Taxi up with product placement, licensed music, dozens of character models and costumes for your driver, and of course different taxi cosmetics, and it wouldn't feel off as long as it PLAYED well.

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>bomb rush cyberfunk
unproven, soulless shit. convinced that the people who post it are involved with the game in some way.
if ex-smilebit guys are involved, jsr3 will be based.

the people who care about BRCF are the same people who STILL go to anime conventions and listen to hideki naganuma in the car.

the people who care about brcf never played jsr and only want to be a part of something
you can't rip something off completely and pass it off as a spiritual successor. it looks like shit.

JSR has the same dual fanbase DOOM has. you have the people who played a LOT of doom as a kid/adult and then you have the people who played a little bit of doom on their dad's lap with cheat codes on.

source: my ass with a fancier name

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>Big budget
Oh fuck off.

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I've seen the gameplay teasers and it looks fun, that's it. I like the original JSR but never owned an Xbox on which to play Future. A lot of the hype stems from Naganuma being fully on-board but I think the gameplay itself looks fine, and the actual movement in JSR was far from its strongest suit (I hear Future controlled better though).

How many sales did persona 5 get, considering the reviews if it's under 5 million it's a flop, no one cares about persona

the jsr fans of today are the same kids who played the dc and xbox originals.
i'm an old fan and i don't give a particle of a shit about this lame immitation.
if it doesn't have the smilebit guys working on it, it's not jsr or worth mentioning in the same breath.

>A lot of the hype stems from Naganuma being fully on-board
two songs, brother. he has contributed only two songs.
jsr was sluggish, that's true. future is absolute perfection though.

Future isn't that much better it's just smoother to control and doenst have qte for spraying paint which was retarded and broke the flow of the game
it'd be like if doom eternal asked you to paint a bunny while chainsawing a imp

Wasn't it said that he's curating the OST like he did for JSR, as in contributing some of his own music and then filling out the selection with others' work?

1990s nostalgia user. Remember how prevalent 1980s nostalgia was in the 2010s? Well SEGA is getting the jump on 90s nostalgia.

you don't know what you're on about.
future took what made the original great and amplified it by a thousand. it controls better, flows better, and the scope is insane. it's the perfect sequel.

>Naganuma being fully on-board

of coruse hes on board. he has nothing else going on in his life cause autismfunk never caught on

and then birthday cake comes on and i have to turn the audio off.

>you don't know what you're on about
i didn't ask for your opinion I have a og xbox and played on that and on a emulator as well
it's a good sequel but it's nothing to write over
it's just a improved version of the original game but doenst have the same lasting effect

and i didn't ask for a wrong one.

>the people who care about BRCF are the same people who STILL go to anime conventions and listen to hideki naganuma in the car.

Sounds soulful

nothing soulful about a pale immitation, man.

I replayed both recently. Future kinda sucks, which was the sentiment back when it released too because they casualized it. The semi open world is cool at first but there's too much backtracking, no time limit for stages gets rid of the tension while tagging and for clearing them and the police presence is greatly diminished from the first and it overall just feels much easier.

Both have issues with shit controls if you hold them up to modern day standards though.

Post your fucking main cabbie RIGHT now
B.D. Chads RISE UP

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i also didn't like how they got rid of the grafitti 'minigame'. i dont think stopping to spraypaint was that jarring and definitely built tension when you were working on a big piece while a fucking tank is preparing to shoot you.

That is literally my dream. I've wanted a new JSR and Crazy Taxi forever. I hope since it's big budget, they can afford the Offspring again.

>Jet Set Radio reboot
Oh god, every time a franchise I love gets rebooted it gets its shit all fucked up. Please no, dear god please no. I don't want modern politics in my Jet Set Radio.

The big complaint with he original JSR was how stopping to spraypaint dampened the flow of the game. They made it simple and focused more on the giant areas, Graffiti Souls, more responsive controls, and stunts/tricks you could pull off.

>aiming to produce its own fortnite
yeah, just like how they were aiming to produce their own FGO with sakura wars

As someone who has experienced the shitheap that is NGS, do not look forward to these reboots.