Sold more in a month then BoTW did in 20 months

>Sold more in a month then BoTW did in 20 months
>Sold three times more in a month then Dark Souls 3 did in 8 years
>World record for one of the most successful game launches in history
>2022 GOTY already in the bag, competition is literally forfeiting
>96% Metacritic approval
>90% (Very Positive) rating on Steam – the sole rating platform with only verified buyers
>More hours played on Steam than GTA V, a 10 year old cult game
>Even contrarian YouTube critics agree it’s a (flawed) masterpiece
>Mindbroke Western game developers
>Turned Any Forums into a pure Elden Ring board for months
>More enemy types than any open world or Soulslike game released to this day
>More unique areas and biomes than any open world game or Souslike game released to this day
>More skills, spells, weapons and abilities than in any open world or Soulslike game released to this day
>Most complex and spectacular boss fights in any open world game released to this day

Elden Chads just can’t stop winning.

Attached: elden chad.jpg (1080x1119, 134.79K)

Senior was better.

Holy fuck. Sekiro. Sekiro was better. Senior moment there.

>Sekiro over Senior
Wtf is wrong with you?

Seniorbros…it’s time


Attached: 1651731054275.jpg (718x718, 56.49K)

>makes ds2 trannies seethe
>hurrrrrr your character moves too fast, my brain is too slow

Attached: elden.png (1536x1016, 3.05M)


Why do Eldentards salesfag when gacha BTFO of them?

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Phone apps aren’t vidya

>Sold more in a month then BoTW did in 20 months

Why such an arbitrarily specific metric?

none of you work for game devs, why is it even a contest lol who cares nigger just play video games and have fun

Any Forums isnt about playing video games, its about arguing about and shittalking video games

>bragging about your game being normalfag central even niggers and women play
the absolute state of fromdrones

Gamers have clinical self-esteem issues that make them pre-disposed to identifying with big corporations along tribal lines.

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how is that arbitrary

That is very sad, what a miserable lot lol. What the fuck happened to video game enjoyers?


Attached: Bismuth_Kek.gif (320x310, 1.35M)

Yet the combat is unbalanced dogshit and openworld is trash, even worse than fc2

>What the fuck happened
Gaming has almost always attracted a portion of retards like this and like comics do. I wouldn't use the childish tendencies among the audience to make a statement about the maturity of the medium, but you just don't see this shit among film viewers even in the earliest decades of that medium.

Forgive me, Seniorito...

you got it all wrong pal, ER is literally DS2 2 and it is every 2troons favorite
t. 2tranny

>none of the main characters are BiPoc POC transsexuals in wheelchairs with autism


Phonegames arent vidya go back to /vmg/

Why 20 months? It would make kind of sense to compare BOTW to Elden Ring at the one month mark, even though there BOTW was hampered by the numbers of Switches available to consumers vs ER the widely available multiplat, or at least waiting until we had a year or two years worth of ER data to see if it tapers off or stays evergreen.


>cheap phoneshit game
you fucking tranny

BOTW sales are forever hilarious to me as the game at one point had something like a 110% attachment rate because more people bought the game than owned a switch

dios mios, el Seniorito...

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What other examples are there of this happening?

Why is Elden Ring the only game this year? Everything else got delayed. There is unironically nothing out for rest of year and Elden Ring came out in February. I can't think of any game except God of War and thats probably like November or December

Attached: 1643295251412.jpg (1080x1440, 175.15K)

>Sold more in a month then BoTW did in 20 months

Impressive, very nice. Now lets see the metacritic scores.