ITT: "It's shit but I like it."

ITT: "It's shit but I like it."

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>ITT: It’s actually not shit because this random jewtuber said it was good

i think secret rings was better

i dont watch anything about videogames on youtube

I think binding swing to a button literally fixes this games major issue,

That's a majority of Sonic games these days.

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All Pokemon games, honestly. Yeah I have fun but I can tell it's made by retarded japs carried hard by the multiplayer.


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Sonic Heroes

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I have a (sealed) copy of this, how is it actually? I thought Secret Rings was kinda weird as a kid


I thought the game was good
The waggle is a small hurdle but it’s fun

if you still enjoyed secret rings anyway, then chances are you'll probably like this game. otherwise idk
i really like the concept of the storybook games, i just wish the concept wasnt wasted on fucking wii titles

>We will never get Sonic and The Holy Bible

Doom 3

>instantly screeching about e-celebs out of nowhere
lmao every time

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Fallout 76

I don't think they're shit, I think they're actually quite good.

Sonic Lost World

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you are missing out

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