It’s a fucking novel that makes you use spreadsheets for combat

It’s a fucking novel that makes you use spreadsheets for combat

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I beat this as a child. Just junction shit to your strength or spam limit breaks bro

It's kino, cope all you want.

Imagine getting filtered by a game for teenagers, fucking pathetic man.

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Game literally has a 10 minute tutorial for every aspect of combat you cope


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Draw more faggot

That's what makes it based

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Stay mad retard. Let me guess, filtered by Ifrit?

all I want is GF.

Watching a no commentary play through this game is atrocious also rinoa is a slut

And it's still better than any modern jrpg

It's kino tranny

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can we admit that ff8 is the best in the series yet?


BuT fF8 iS tHe BeSt JuSt LiKe Ds2

I've always said it was the best, tf do you mean

Pure kino

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I've accepted this fact many years ago user

Why are you so bad at videogames?

FFX is the pinnacle

That's impressive hybrid fmv visuals

>holy freaking crazy guise 10 gorillion monsters are gonna fall on the planet >nothing fucking happens
Let's not forget
>oh nooooo were floating through space nooo
>oh look a random missing spacecraft floated right by us in space how convenient

my biggest gripe with this game is that there isn't enough combat. disc 1 has some pretty good flow of story and gameplay but until the very end when you can do some additional stuff it's just story with almost zero combat except some boss battles.

Listen, user. I liked it. But it wasn't THAT good.


I beat this as a teenager while full time high school marching band and cross country after school activities while smoking weed when I could get away with it.

OP, you may genuinely be an idiot.

>For liking ff8
If anything the ff8 haters are the contrarians.
The game was spammed on this wbesite and had masses of cheering crowds, the most of entire e3 when remaster was announced

Nope. I've played FF3 ≤ X ≤ FF10 and FF8 is the best one, Tactics is a close second.


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You like teenage angst and drama because you stayed 15 forever. If quistis took me to a private viewing area in the training yard I would listen to her and bang her shortly after squall is a edgy homo worst protagonist ever he’s bland and retarded wonder who that appeals to

Fukken saved
I used to have a save slot right before that to replay it. Look at the shit going down in that melee at the end


refer to

So fucking what? It has a coherent story from beginning to end. That's more important than an empty ass world

>this game is good because it's a good book

FFX was linear done right you botw drone

>that makes you use spreadsheets for combat
what did he mean by this?

Absolutely would enlist and go for Rocket Motorcycle Assault Marines squad.

I never needed spreadsheets, just draw stuff to max and junction things, hell I was able to beat it just by using auto half the time.

Never. Did you saw what they did with the FF7 remake? It is better to let the normalfag population to think that FF8 was "le worst ff game ever xd"

It is for your own (and my own) good

Bet that was optimal

Yikes this denial

>Linear done right
Linear is allways the right choice