No ending feels satisfying

What's wrong with CDPR? Even the secret mission didnt give anything decent.

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Story is SHIT

Game was made by woke retards

because its not supposed to be happy end
grow up or go play some mario or zelda

>Even the secret mission
you mean the one where you take it down alone?

Literally everything you work towards in the game is for naught stfu nigger

>No ending feels satisfying
The nomad ending felt great. You're probably just a fagget.

>Literally everything you work towards in the game is for naught
yes. did you follow the story? it explains how it happens and why it ends like this
you really should play some zelda or mario there is no unnecessarry story or dialogues or anything like this so its perfect for such a brainlet like you

That's literally what Cyberpunk is. Just because your donutsteel doesn't live, doesn't mean it's a bad ending.

Kind of like RDR2. It's annoying when devs do this.

> he didnt like panam ending where you look at the nightsky with a chick and leave that shithole forever

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>yes. did you follow the story? it explains how it happens and why it ends like this
No one cares you giant faggot

>Literally everything you work towards in the game is for naught stfu nigger

Typical white murikkkan sub-human sissy

Go fucking die in a school shooting.

>this is a transgender according to cdpr

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at this point i dont know if youre just trolling or if youre actual retard

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>lies to you
>you try to stop her from killing an innocent man
>she murders him anyway
>you don't have the option to call her out for her shit
Almost as bad as the crucifixion mission.

Lol look at the angry NPC's defend their shit game

The game is shit even after 1.5 and the story is shit and no amount of NPC sperging is going to change that

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>You are a transgender according to me

i didnt defend the game even once in this thread and only explained to you how fucking stupid you are, but whatever

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At the end of the day the combat and gameplay didn’t feel the least bit satisfying, no matter how much atmosphere the environments oozed out at times. If the combat and gameplay wasn’t such a chore then we could easily put up with the mediocre story and characters.
>menus are an absolute pain to navigate
>the game requires you to go in them quite a lot
>enemies present no challenge even on the highest difficulty
>just go limp ragdoll mode as soon as you deplete their hp, no satisfying animations or weight to the combat
>too much fucking loot to sort through
>the worst kind of loot too, procedurally generated random stats
>can’t see my own character but have crap load of fashion options anyway
>can’t get rid of the fucking objective marker because the devs aren’t confident enough of their own world
>enemies constantly being outline in red neon silhouettes makes it feel like I’m fighting red blobs instead of people
It’s clear as day that this game went through development hell. It feels like a stitched up cadaver trying to be brought back to life. The best part of the game was the opening with Jackie until you get Keanu in your head then the quality nosedives.

No, no one cares as in no one cares about the context of the story, you want to feel as if you win the game and accomplish something. No matter what ending you choose V dies. It's not fucking satisfying no matter how much you want to intellectualize it

All you did was show how much of an NPC you are
>The game explains why it has such a shit ending
Doesnt fucking matter, you finish the game then give the player a fucking reward, its basic game design 101, basic RPG design
I dont fucking care if you want to go on about artistic expression, about "good writing" or about how I need to grow up, I play games for a fun experience and its not fun doing all side missions and doing a secret ending to get nothing in return
now go fuck yourself faggot

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not gonna read it :^)

fuck you too

You do get a reward. Unique weapons, clothes/armour, decorations, and I think a vehicle.
Now, I already know what your reply is going to be. So don't bother.

This, obviously. Cuddling with your waifu under the stars on a cool desert night, doesn't get much better.

>fuck you too

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You can literally pave the way for Arasaka to be completely fucked and possibly kick off the next great corpo war
how was that accomplishing nothing?