V-Sync: Off

>V-Sync: Off

Attached: b9f.gif (498x498, 3.66M)

>age: under 25

Attached: 1606691799319.png (200x200, 109.92K)

>BFI: Off

Attached: (You).jpg (1080x919, 91.57K)

You want vsync turned off in game or else it conflicts with variable refresh rate.

They why the fuck is it always on by default?

For the people that don't know better and stay on default on everything

>turn it on
>mouse starts feeling numb

Attached: 1605534598943.gif (200x200, 2.9M)



Stupid question but do you want to have vsync on or just limit the fps from gpu settings if you want to stay under certain framerate? From what I gather vsync should only kick in after gsync/freesync becomes useless

>forced meme
fuck off back to

v sync if the game doesn't require precise input, it eliminates screen tearing mainly which is why i always turn it on when i play with a controllers.

fps limit for FPS games and multiplayer stuff.

just limit the framerate to your monitor's refresh rate and forget about the goddamn marketing memes

why the fuck would I ever use vsync?

You want vsync turned off in game and globally forced on in control panel. Then you turn on VRR and limit max framerate to 2 frames under max refresh rate. This will give you the least amount of input lag and no screen tearing. If you don't limit your framerate to -2 then vsync will kick in and you will get larger input lag.

So what's the reasoning for turning on the vsync in control panel if I'm already limiting the frames?

I played with v-sync on for the longest time until I accidentally turned it off in Quake. holy FUCK what a revelation that was.

haha i look like this

Don't listen to these Any Forumstards. You want Vsync ON+Gsync/Freesync ON and -3 fps below max refresh rate.

Go to blurbusters if you want a more detailed breakdown on how VRR all functions.

i see the new reddit meme is being pushed here

If the game doesn't need any precise movement or reactions, it reduces screen tearing and it'll look better