Game puts a high level enemy in a training area to troll new players

>game puts a high level enemy in a training area to troll new players

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Man, nothing was more satisfying than beating one of these guys for the first time

I managed beat it, but it took like 20 minutes. Not even close to worth it.

>cast blind
What now, faggot? Thanks for the shitload of free xp.

Don't they explicitly tell you that it's weak to blindness?

>Game literally tells you how to defeat this enemy early on, but OP didn't pay attention

>leveling up in FF8

yes. the first time you are SUPPOSED to face it with quistis she just told you about status J and put blind on your stat J so you are already set up to make the chump a hp pinata of useless

>Thanks for the shitload of free xp.
actually a bad thing in FF8

I grind these guys till I'm level 99 then ez mode the game.
also, Squall dies at the parade.

Surely not the case of pic related since that dumpster fire has level scaling.
Not to mention Quistis can instakill them with Degenerator in the first place.

>Go to blind it
>Accidently hit Squall
>It kills Quistis
>Blind it
>Now we both can't hit each other
>Last save was hours ago

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>grind Shiva compatibility for instant cast
>simultaneously accrue items that can be refined into Quake
Aha, nice try.

The 4-5 big dungeons are great, and offer cool rewards, I just love playing them and coming up with different solutions.

The side dungeons are mostly decent, they are fun, have multiple solutions and don't overstay their welcome. They are couple of shit ones that utilize motion controls, but then again you don't have to beat every side dungeon to complete the game,

>Cloud dies in the bombing mission
>Zidane dies in the airship crash
>Tidus dies in the Sin attack
Truly is a Final Fantasy.

>>Last save was hours ago
Literally how? You're still in the tutorial

You need to know regenerator first and you certainly won't at the start of the game

>I grind these guys till I'm level 99 then ez mode the game.
ff8 scales enemies to your level and you would be missing all the stat boosts from good GFs and have a shit tier magic pool available outside of card refining so it would suck

>and you certainly won't at the start of the game
>He doesn't play card games

Doing a no-exp run of FF8 literally just ruins the game

good thing the series never had an option to run from fights or anything

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What a shitty bot.

I grinded T-rexes to 100 and the final boss had so much hp it look multiple lionhearts, shit was kino.

the beginning sucks but once you can get no enc from diablos it makes it better imo
grinding all the GFs with solo edea for effeciency autism hurts though

Thanks to Spoony I always hear Wild Wild West in my head on this fight,.

mobs are your level, the whole game is ez mode.
too many ways to ez mode w/o grinding.

Take a moment to ponder the emptiness of your life.

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>the beginning sucks
>after that it sucks less and is basically equivalent to a normal run
>apart from that one part where you have to waste hours doing something completely unfun
>oh and every boss fight is ruined because it's even more trivially easy than it would be anyway with junctions
I legitimately pity the autists who do no exp runs, it shows that you have literally zero control over your tism

>Quistis specifically warns you about it
Nah, that's not trolling. Just an actual threat.

>Thanks to Spoony I always hear Wild Wild West in my head on this fight,.

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I did the same shit lmao. I almost soft locked myself with Rinoa on the Ragnarok against the alien bugs tho as a kid

Agreed. Also, leveling up is NOT a bad thing. You get better items from higher level enemies.
>but I like playing Triple Triad for hours and spamming card in battle
Okay, have fun.

I play triple triad for hours and spam card in battle too, I just don't autistically avoid exp in order to make an already easy game even easier.

I was 9

cant be more hollow than the life of an average goytoy npc to whom video games are a "waste of time"

Virgins spam Triple Triad to get high tier items from the cards.
Real men do it because they enjoy Triple Triad.

The smart person just levels up in the best possible way. I.e with GFs to maximize stat gains

"It's just a miniboss on floor 2 how hard could this fight be?"
*procs panic on your entire lvl3 squad*
I learned to fear the FOE

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I used to think this game so cash when I was a wee boy but now looking back on it it looks so generic??