When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?

When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?

Attached: Halo-1-horizon-view.png (1280x720, 881.67K)

Yeah, it was pretty awesome at the time then I laughed when the one of the glider ships at the start area flew head first into a nearby rock

Attached: R.png (1000x1200, 597.17K)

I thought it was a pretty cool skybox, sure.

i mean, yeah

Why is Halo 2 so quotable?

Is it actually the script, is it the voice acting, etc?

Does anyone else love Chief's characterisation in CE? He's such a socially inept dumb fuck and his interactions with Cortana are gold.

Attached: master chief running.webm (640x640, 2.33M)

Yes, I used to just sit and stare at the ocean in the game. My middle school friends and I were absolutely obsessed with halo. It carried all the way over to college with halo 3. I find it comforting when I stopped playing halo is when it effectively died.

The cutscenes are like a movie

I went into Infinite knowinf nothing about Halo games and thought thoss things at the horizon were huge fucking triangular towers, only now playing the old games i realize i was in a fucking ring planet, and tge "tower" was actually the ring streching up lol.

Attached: essex-azur.gif (498x498, 1.15M)

Nope. On the contrary.
It looked like an N64 game, moved slower than some console shooters I'd played up until that point, action didn't feel satisfying at all, and the story felt like the devs wanking their own imaginary cocks.

zoomer or just generally retarded? Not much of a difference really though

looks like shit and made for retards, so no.

are you even trying?

>He's such a socially inept dumb fuck
woah just like me


>playing baby first fps
>calling other zoomers
let me guess, you also love playing cawaduty

Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?


Halo and Xbox games in general were always completely ignored in my country, to you,, not knowing Halo is like me not knowing some key elements of the bible, but to me, its like not knowing something distant like hinduism.

That meme doesn't work anymore since most people on this board who grew up playing halo are 30+ now. You realize most of the people on this board grew up with halo 3(at best), right? Get some new material, faggot. This isn't Any Forums circa 2006.