Why do people not like him?

why do people not like him?

Attached: raidenbox.jpg (800x450, 82.15K)

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It's a generational thing, we all grew up hating him because snake was so cool and raiden seemed like a whiny little bitch with an annoying girlfriend, then as time went on and we got older and played mgs4 and revengeance we realized what a top shelf guy he was and changed our opinion

but i like his MGS2 rendition the most

Because he looks like a woman.

ive only played the mgs games recently and i didnt see any issue with him beside the lack of creative dialogue; he often keeps repeating the same things or a lack of speaking and doesnt add much to some cutscenes. besides all that i like raiden, hes a nice change of things in mgs2 and honestly his character development in the later games were awesome to see

sorry for my bad english i wasnt taught well

>he often keeps repeating the same things or a lack of speaking and doesnt add much to some cutscenes
you mean just like solid?

Not even kojima liked him and his treatment of the character in subsequent games and his fate was evidence of that. It was an unforgivable decision to trick the player like that and force you to play as him.

I was surprised by how many of the posters here chimped out about TLOU2 while also being kojima dick riders. This kind of shitty bait and switch is actually about the only thing la creativadad invented

His surface level character and dialogue is literally just "snake but he's a pretty boy but raised on vr so he's a weirdo" which nobody picked up on at the time as the whole game is just a mgs1 remake for the next generation
Narratively speaking seeing a fucking child soldier groomed to be the next solid snake and having a fake girlfriend and life given to him is absolutely fucked, it explains most of the weird dialogue

Kojima literally made him the coolest character whatsoever in mgs4 lmao
What the FUCK are you talking about you pathetic so(y)nyfag

>Dickless edgelord robot that spends most of the game laying in bed half dead and leaking cum everywhere is cool


Robot Raiden will always be a faggy version of grey fox and nothing more btw

I want to fuck the living shit out of him

Attached: Raiden 5168830056309975034.png (1217x1039, 1.48M)

Because he's the villain in both his games. He can't think for himself and has to always follow the ideals of his superiors.

Attached: checkoutthefuckingsponsor.png (661x998, 912.76K)


You'd know if you were there 2001. Internet was young back then and the biggest news you got was from the E3 trailer.

>new MGS game
>trailer shows Solid Snake
>got baited instead

Grey Fox was already a fag

I'm pretty sure most people like him these days.
>Not even kojima liked him and his treatment of the character in subsequent games and his fate was evidence of that
Honestly, Kojima is just retarded. Raiden isn't the only one that got treated badly in later games. For example, Naomi is stripped of her depth and starts contradicting herself, Meryl ends up marrying some masked shitter, Ocelot becomes a cardboard cutout, Miller is just a walking meme etc.

Don't like Raiden because he forgave that lying spy cunt pile of shit Rose. Makes him look like a loser with no self respect.


The internet was not as big back in the day, but notice how no one compliments Venom Snake, gamers don't like bait and switches. It's simply that Raiden was created when word of mouth through the internet and social media did not exist.

This for me. Same reason I hate Ethan from the recent Resident Evil games. I hate simps who excuse shitty women.

I prefer blonde, wide hipped MGS2 Raiden over grey haired robo-raiden.

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faggots were considered pretty gay back in the day

>literally the only MGS protagonist with a wife and child

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I love Venom Snake. Going so far to "solve a plot hole" absolutely no one cared about from the MSX games was a funny thing to do.

I thought he was more bad ass than Snake. He shit talked all of the bosses without fear and later in the game when he reveals to Snake that he was a child solider who slaughtered thousands, you realise why he's so confident and capable. Meanwhile, Snake is embarrassed constantly from MGS1 through to MGS2.

he was getting fucked by men in canon
he wasn’t even the one doing the fucking

>he was getting fucked by men in canon
>Source: my anus

Revengeance Raiden is great, I like how they made him into a complete power fantasy that that can also get humiliated and have the shit beaten out of him whenever he's feeling too cool, but still come back for more. Perfect character for an action videogame.

Big Boss literally fucks Miller in the Sauna and has Ocelot lasting after him, if anyone is the gay of the series it's him.

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>Same reason I hate Ethan from the recent Resident Evil games.
Ethan does not know Mia's true occupation. This is something they reveal in "The Baker Incident Report," document, that not everybody got.

These days raiden is a fan favorite.

He wasn't a cyborg ninja in MGS2.