Any Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread: >When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>Have fun! (archive) (new)

NSFW Deliveries:

Drawing Books and drawing programs:
/ic/ sticky:

Attached: 1653025185368.png (465x1000, 303K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: anchor post.jpg (1000x880, 458.71K)

Requesting DJ sea knight getting sued for copyright infringement. (for those that don't get it his original battle theme got replaced in the non-pirated version of BS2 because of copyright reasons.)

Attached: 1652549845374.jpg (890x500, 193.3K)

Requesting Rivet and user out on a romantic dinner date.

Attached: date night with rivet.png (1710x960, 316.1K)

Requesting Muffet stuffing her pussy with a horse cock/dildo.
Keep her petite please, no exaggerated proportions.

Attached: muff.png (500x1147, 851.88K)

Requesting Heihachi Mishima from the "Tekken" series dressed as Lilith Aileron from the "Tales Of" series, or Lilith dressed as Heihachi
The joke is that Lilith can do one of the Heihachi combos perfectly in-game.
Lilith reference

Attached: Heihachi Michima - Tekken 7.jpg (4800x6000, 1.79M)

Attached: ak.png (825x613, 40.29K)

Anyone else regret not ever learning how to draw? Like jesus, starting in my 20s would've been fine, now I'm 25

what was the last thing you drew?

Circuits n shit

Haven’t been really in the drawing spirit but wanted to at least do something today so I doodled a quick Peach

Attached: 6012AECD-DEB4-4A44-9A9D-DAFFE7281091.jpg (1951x2181, 431.72K)

I'm 24 and I have started relearning the fundamentals. You're fine, if you want to learn how to draw do it, you have like 45-50 years left to fill in before it actually is too late.

Requesting Luna Child drinking double boba tea

Attached: download.jpg (191x264, 10.67K)

I still regret burning a whole books worth of elaborate stick wars that I drew as a wee lad. Even had a few sections with my imitation Mudokons and Sligs.

guess i'll post here too since i didn't notice last thread was ending

Anchoring for the drawfriend if they will finish the amazing pic

Requesting Velvet from Odin Sphere shocked by Mercedes big futa cock

Something like this reference:

Attached: 1653009937695.jpg (4148x2809, 1.21M)

Requesting Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear burning tranny flag with his Gunflame. Thank you and have a nice day.

Attached: 1651389784020.jpg (1084x1560, 340.98K)

I have a Persona 3 request.
I would like for someone to draw Akihiko Sanada stuffing Fuuka Yamagishi's butt with lemons.
Thank you

Attached: fuukaakilemon.png (2112x576, 856.97K)

Requesting Jas and the farmer dancing together at the Flower dance festival.

Attached: 129482957235.png (1086x812, 1005.79K)


Requesting The Courier from Fallout New Vegas and the protagonist from Underrail killing the White Leg tribals and the Sørmirbæren savages from both of their games together.

Attached: tribal killers.jpg (2813x2670, 1.45M)