Why the FUCK are there embedded video ads on Any Forums now

Why the FUCK are there embedded video ads on Any Forums now
You advertiser niggers are getting on my fucking nerves

Attached: E0CB87A1-CB6B-4BB5-910F-32FF49AC4FAE.png (750x1334, 1.74M)

Didn't you already make a post about this and got it shipped off to Any Forums by a mod? Regardless, as I said, get adblock.


Glad I’m not the only one

>he doesn't have an ad blocker
Lmfao get □¥\ \€¤£ □○■|£

anything that gets phoneposters to leave is a good change

imagine exposing yourself as a phoneposter like this

Lmao git gud scrubs

Attached: Screenshot_20220521-015214.jpg (720x1465, 287.17K)

use firefox, you can add ublock on it

based hiro, fuck phoneposters

Attached: 1552783926167.png (230x230, 74.49K)

buy a Any Forums account

Fucking lmao

Attached: Screenshot_20220521-053902.jpg (720x1465, 278.94K)

Is Hiro finally purging the phone posters?


Attached: 741.png (680x486, 247.88K)

Ads still exist?

Seethe harder poorfags

Attached: 1647303727329.jpg (600x500, 77.84K)

dont you have a 30 second ad to watch
come on now goyim

Enjoy your ads then I guess

ads are more entertaining than most threads, if anything I'd like more of them and if you get bored the possibility to play ads on your own

see you can block ads on mobile easily

Or you could just use kuroba

sorry i don't install spyware

>he says while using fucking firefox