Zatch bell mamodo fury for ps2 thread

dude this game fucks so hard its an oldie but a goodie its a timeless classic so what strategies are you guys employing in your personal zatch bell mamodo fury for ps2 battles?

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OP, the game sucks. I wish it didn't, but it does. Hopefully with the new sequel manga means we can finally get a good game.

I imagine it could be an interesting competitive 2d fighter with a system similar to the Jojo arcade game where you can control the human and demon indepedently,, The whole heart power mana system would also translate 1:1 to meter, Only problem is deciding how much spells/which spells characters get: You can't give Gash all 12+ however many spells he gets, for instance

Here's the roster I would pick assuming 20 characters


With Victoreem (he should really be in over Momon or Papipurio but I like what they offer mechanically), Leo, Zaruchimu, and Rodeaux as honorable mentions

Also, further random thoughts

>Papipuro would use setups involving his poisons and acids, such as poison clouds which do damage over time, which you could set up and then pressure your oppenent with or stack with corner blockstrings, debuffs like slowing movement or upping hitstun similar to Valentine in Skullgirls, etc.
>Momon's ENTIRE moveset would be based around getting few good hits in and then run around and avoid getting hits till the timer run's out. Maximum salt inducer.
>With Ted obviously his spells would be pure buffs to damage, movement speed, frame data, etc
>Ashuron would fight using his humanoid form, but maybe he could also have an install which transforms him

Feedback, inputs, and suggestions appreciated

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This game is very melon, can confirm


Have you anons been reading the new sequel manga/

Thoughts so far?

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Upset Kiyomaro is fucking around in Africa instead of breeding his dumb wife in Japan

Megumi isn''t THAT dumb :^)

>>With Ted obviously his spells would be pure buffs to damage, movement speed, frame data, etc
>Character has 0 specials, but the longer the fight goes on the better his standard moves are.
That could be really interesting.

Glad to see older chad Kiyomaru
I also expect no one to be dead

I was thinking about it more like he exclusively has install states as his supers, but, yeah, something like that

Considering how his spells are sequential, it made more sense to me that his spells would be permanent for the fight, but the trade off is that he doesn't have anything resembling a traditional "special" attack.

The pure install character would probably be Umagon, since all of his spells are transformations.

And since we're talking gimick characters I think we can all agree that Kanchome would be the worst character in the game, bar none. Terrible frame data to deal almost no damage, worthless specials, but Shin Poruku is an insta win move.

>it made more sense to me that his spells would be permanent for the fight, but the trade off is that he doesn't have anything resembling a traditional "special" attack.

Right, that's sort of what I mean, like all his supers activate sequentially and work like adult Gohan's level 1 in DBFZ, but each one has way more frame data and damage buffs then that does, alongside maybe each one giving an additional special (which would all still be physical hits, maytbe rekkas, not projectiles)

I think the key difference is that Installs are generally time limited, while I was thinking of permanent buffs.

Why do you want it to be dead?

chichi chichi oppai, BOING BOING!

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This thread was made so somebody goes on ebay and buys his listing

>There are people who do not know the joy of Folgore's combo where he just starts hip thrusting like crazy halfway through

Reminder if you've only seen the anime and not the manga that you not only dealt with the darker scenes being mishandled and worse art then the manga, but also the entire latter half of the faudo arc having it's plot changed entirely for the worse and the final arc not being adapted at all...

...and perhaps most importantly, you missed out on Folgore becoming an even bigger dick ultra-gigachad then he already was and Kanchome becoming the strongest character in the series

Read the manga, read the gaiden chapter, read the gash cafe chapters.

Also, I have a companion reading document which includes translation fixes, extra official color pages, clips to the anime for specific moments it handles well, and videos that sync up the anime music(the one thing it does well consistently) to manga content. The guide is unfinished, I stopped at Volume 22, and I haven't updated the earlier volumes with the higher quality kazenban color pages (I was using older raws that had color pages), but you can find links to it here: I was gonna try to update/finish the guide to time with the sequel release, but obviously that didn't happen and IDK when I will, but if you hit volume 22 before I finish you can contact me at the info mentioned there and I can send you the rest on a case by case basis

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I read the manga just like a couple of years after it finished, it was one of the reasons why I stopped watching anime, the changes were so disgenous that disgusted me and I just sticked to the source material.

>Read the manga, read the gaiden chapter, read the gash cafe chapters.

Forgot the "Then read the currently running sequel" at the end here, it's good so far.