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omg my sides!

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why would anyone pay for (((spotify)))? get a cracked app = no ads

>"you don't consume" is now an insult
four generations of breeding for the perfect consuming cattle is turning out well.


SHUT THE FUCK UP mongoloid little shit

Anyone who uses the word "cattle" to demonstrate his superiority should be shot

>how dare you not worship corporations!

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spotify doesnt have the bands i want to hear

Why? It's the perfect description. You have literally been bred to work and consume.

Why even use spotify when youtube has all the same songs + millions more?

cool it with the antisemitism bro

Do you ever think about how amazing it is how there's millions of people who pay for music still? It's like nobody knows that you can just download mp3 and flac files onto your phone and computer and play the songs whenever you want. Why's the world so willing to put up with ads and stream music they don't even own?

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something something bitrate, compression and audio quality

it's only relevant if you have $700+ headphones and a $300+ amp to juice your audio to the point of any of this shit making a difference, and even then it doesn't matter at all if you've never heard the difference to know any better

audiophile bullshit basically

Youtube music works better than Spotify.

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people are dumb

I pay for Spotify.

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It's always been like this in america, haven't you noticed?
every time you refuse to waste your money, some faggot will reply with "lol you're poor", and every time you call someone out on being retarded, they will start arguing with their job, money or how many things they possess and consume regularly.
this has been a thing for decades user

I don't use Spotify so I can't really say much about it, but I'm using Netflix while being well aware of countless sites that will give me direct access to any movie or series I want to watch, just because the platform gives me recommendations based on my taste. Those recommendations work so well that I'm willing to spend money on them.
if Spotify is anything like that, then I can absolutely understand why people spend money on it

you fags dont just download the mp3 and play it?
wtfs wrong with you

because companies have discovered that its both easier and more cost effective to make people scared of the virus boogeyman and to destroy online discourse about piracy so that educating yourself on how to safely do it is way harder than most people are willing to put up with. in a weird way it kinda works out for pirates as well, because if you're not a lazy normalfag then there'll always be multiple places hosting shit and you don't have to worry about stuff getting shut down until it becomes too commonly used.

Absolutely based

>shit playlisting
>shit app
>shit alghoritm to find new songs
>once you made your playlist enjoy updating it every month or so because youtube removed your songs
>and no you don't get any notification about it and no mention of what song was removed fuck you go search it on google and archive

>he doesn't just block Spotify ads
Thanks for paying for my music dumbass

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Not relatable enough, where's wojack and pepe