Turn based games are casua-

>Turn based games are casua-

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Oh wow, you did some spreadsheet gameplay and your calculations were off! What a great display of skill and challenge.

but you can do that same strategy if you sit there and grind for 50 hours! that means it's bad game design!

>first person dungeon crawler

Attached: 5ae.jpg (1240x786, 221.45K)

Based is best girl

>Turn based games are casua-

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I remember when people didn't use Etrian Odyssey to shitpost.

Do weebs really play this garbage?

If you get one-shot (even the tank), then that means you're underleveled and underequipped, simply grind a few more levels before taking on that particular monster. I know this is the first stratum but that lynx, which is one of the harder-hitting trash mobs in that stratum, won't spawn near the cave entrance and only appears further inside so you'll have the time to farm weaker trash mobs near the entrance until you're strong enough to head further in.

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>Zoomer is too stupid to understand how numeric puzzles using hundreds and sometimes thousands of different variable are fun because his viewpoint isn't sperging out autistically

Couldn't even be bothered to level up a bit and use an FOE for his shitpost. 0/10

Etrian Odyssey is anti-weeb.

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>simply grind a few more levels
Stopped reading right there, homo.

F-O-E! F-O-E! F-O-E!
F-O-E! F-O-E! F-O-E!
F-O-E! F-O-E! F-O-E!
F-O-E! F-O-E! F-O-E!

>etrian odyssey will never be ported to switch

You sure we're looking at the same game?

>bro you need to map the entire dungeon

Shit game

play a real turn based game even if it's babby tier

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It requires far more intelligence to play a real time game than turn based game.

it can actually appear that early, it's a lesson on running away when the time comes
EO has a hard level cap for each floor which makes grinding worthless if you want to kill FOEs early and the like
sucks for early game and teaches some bad habits but sidequests guide you in the right direction anyways

Git gud, casual zoomer

what the fuck is the point of the 3D background if you're just going to put a static 2D image over it? that's so jarring.

what's the reason why Etrian Odyssey has stayed pretty obscure? Even here? I see games like smt4 (which I think is a comparable game) recommended way more often even though I think Etrian Odyseyy is a way more balanced game

>misplaced my advance copy of it and will probably never find it
>remaster looks like ass
it hurts

Go back to Grindr if you love grinding so much, faggot.