Surprise us
surprise us

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>the only "OC" coming from Any Forums these days is when an AI literally makes it for you
The absolute fucking state. Phpneposters ruined this site.

what? it's harmles as fuck, you don't even need to type a character name, enjoy something fucking depressed piece of shit

I am so sick of these AI spam threads. Feels like each month there's a new AI to train and its threads litter the catalog with absolute junk. It's not even OC, it never was, it's digital garbage. Only a complete midwit would be entertainined by this.

boo hoo, filter the fucking website and stop bitching

I'd much rather take a steaming shit all over your thread, faggot.

you should support Any Forumsorld, which is fun and made by humans

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I do, I've submitted things to it before. Says a lot that the threads are dead whilst these AI spam threads are (usually) hitting bump every week.

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Me on the bottom left laughing at your shit thread

making and appreciating mario levels is too difficult for these people, hence why they either ignore it or shit on it

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oh, look at you making jokes, see? you can enjoy things faggot

Yeah, and I don't need an AI to make them, maybe if you had more than 2 braincells you could make something by yourself too.

These are the best content Any Forums has had for a while.

Not in the slightest, AI threads are complete junk. Everything "made" in them is forgotten about almost immediately, never to be posted again.

bitch, you put the line on the AI thing because you think you look smart, because you can't apreciatte the technology and have to be a contrarian because ma soul and my art shit. that fucking line could be drawn on any software that you use to make your shit, so unless you create yorself your computer and all the fucking assets on it, get the fuck out of here with that argument and shut the fuck up

new copypasta just dropped

There's a huge difference between creating actual art yourself, and typing a phrase that just makes something for you (that usually results in warped nonsense), althought either way your shit analogy would not apply to me as I play acoustic guitar and write tabs to transcribe songs in my free time - literally no digital tools used at all, kek.

The irony here is that your post and any replies are the only original content mustered up by this shit thread.