No fanfare?

so anyone played this yet? its already cracked btw

Attached: Vampire-The-Masquerade-Swansong.jpg (1076x518, 24.42K)

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>nigger vampires

didnt ask +you're white

Attached: ER2EIlKUwAA54iP.jpg (1017x817, 106.76K)

Isn't that the br?

Bloodlines had nigger vampires

nope its the new game

Playing it now. It's nice. A bit buggy, though. Hopefully they have a patch out by next week.

>its already cracked btw

I find this funny. You seem to think that people will immediately play any game that's cracked and available for piracy. Even the time it takes to download and install shit (but free) games is wasted time.

The save system is annoying. If you run into a bug, and you WILL run into bugs, you have to restart the entire chapter. I'd prefer a manual save system or storing every checkpoint so far in this chapter in a list you can manually go back to.

Also, trying to replay chapters seems to have a nasty tendency to wipe saves.

Also, the skip dialogue button doesn't seem to work? Maybe it only works on replays? It's annoying if you have to start over due to a bug.

Also, the game defaults to DLSS performance mode, which makes the game blurry for no good reason.

Other than that, it's probably the best VTM game so far. The writing is good, the environments are gorgeous, and the mechanics are pretty deep.

Also the cracked version is likely missing the DLC. They pushed a hotfix last night on PC that fixed it.

Oh great, programming a visual novel is too much for tranny devs.

What do you mean?

It's about as much of a visual novel as Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments is. Which is to say, not at all.

You know it's different.

How did VTM of all franchises end up with a racist incel fanbase? Or is this just a Bloodlines thing? You know, the kind of people who refer to Bloodlines as "the first one".

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>Waaagh, SJW game.
>I hate Boston.
>Whining that the PS5 upgrade isn't free despite this supposedly being a PC review.
>It's not gothic.
>There's no humour.
Are Metacritic users... brain damaged?

it's like The Council but gay because it has vampires in it and they created their characters using Daz Generator

fanbases in general are full of incels because they replace personal life with their obsessions

normal people aren't fans of anything or are fans of everything, never one specific thing

>I spent 10 minutes watching a text only cutscene. so the game started as text adventure.
The opening title cards are like 2 minutes long, explaining what vampires and the masquerade is.
>after the game actually started I saw like 30 different woman and 1 guy in just 3 minutes.
There are like 4 men onscreen in the opening cutscene.
>all of the women wears BS clothes as if this is some harem video game
Because... they were all dressed up for a fancy party? To celebrate the agreement with the Chantry?
>even the prince is woman lol
>too much talking, only 1% is gameplay.
It's a narrative RPG. Also, it sounds like this person didn't get past the opening cutscene.
>oh and the elevator ride took so long you could ascend to heaven judging how long it took to reach the **** floor lol
It's symbolic you dumb shit.
>voices are so low quality. a white girl voice used for black character lol
Not sure which character they're talking about. Emem is definitely black. (Blessid NiaYemi).

low quality full with cliche game

I spent 10 minutes watching a text only cutscene. so the game started as text adventure. like it's some NES video game. and then I had to watch the game's logo for a long time like some retro game

after the game actually started I saw like 30 different woman and 1 guy in just 3 minutes. all of the women wears BS clothes as if this is some harem video game and they all look so special like some BS anime character

even the prince is woman lol

too much talking, only 1% is gameplay. go watch youtube walkthrough instead if you want to shower with so many diverse women characters of vampire harem

the game takes place in boston. who the **** likes boston lol

oh and the elevator ride took so long you could ascend to heaven judging how long it took to reach the **** floor lol

voices are so low quality. a white girl voice used for black character lol

I rather replay VTM redemption instead of this garbage Collapse

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This is why EGS needs user reviews. Steam user reviews give you a way better picture of actual customer sentiments, particularly for cult games.

>Seem people have also claimed this game is "SJW Propoganda" and I usually don't fall in line with stuff like that, usually it's overblown and childish. This game though, I can kinda see it. I love representation and applaud it if it feels organic and not forced. This game though feels like it's made from a spreadsheet of must haves, it seems if you take every character in the game and counted them, there would be EXACTLY 50/50 divide of male to female. Yet when you arrive at the Tremere chantry they are all black for whatever reason, that doesn't bother as much other than it seems odd. There is also a very in your face lesbian sex scene based of a memory of when Emem was sired by Hilda, which if it just felt organic rather than "look how god damn progressive we are! we're the first video game to have an explicit gay sex scene!!!" I'd be more fine with that. It just comes at an odd time, seems out of place, so all these little things because of how inorganic they feel takes me out of the narrative which isn't that engaging to begin with.
lmfao even

Halsey is cute. I'm 50/50 on the fact she's voiced by an adult. The game clearly has budget limitations, and child actors probably cost more. But it vaguely reminds me of Metro Exodus child voices. I thought Terminator: Resistance did a good job casting Patrick with an actual boy instead of an adult woman.
Didn't VTMB literally open with a sex scene? It gives me "Are you winning, son?" vibes, but this is hardly explicit.
Also I don't see how it "didn't feel organic". Pretty much from the opening scene in the game it's clear that Emem is neurotic about Hilda (whom she kind of hates), and becoming a vampire hasn't made her happy like she thought it would.

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All tabletops are gatekeeped by retards

It jumped to 3.0 now.