Substance Abuse

How does vidya gamers cope with existence?

Do you drink or smoke yourself into oblivion?

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The only thing I smoke is water

no, I play video games and masturbate

unironically I don't understand why would anyone do drugs when you can just play God Hand.

I used to be a weedfag but it made me nauseous, and anxious as fuck so now I simply live with the pain

Smoking anything is absolutely disgusting and retarded

However I do like delta 8 gummies and they make gaming (or everything really) feel just like being a kid again. Shit's great

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only substance I ever took was weed, and while it cured my depression for a while I became too dependent on it and it turned me into a coomer where literally all I did was smoke weed and jerk off. Got hooked on that dopamine rush and it fried all my receptors and getting off weed was the worst withdrawal I ever had, sent me spiraling into a deep depression and made all my food taste disgusting for months. I heard if you are particularly sensitive to THC coming off it can be like coming off of SRIs because of how badly it fucks your natural serotonin output.

I will eventually smoke weed again maybe, but im afraid of spiraling downwards again, I really am just not a responsible put together human being to handle it.

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every day once a day i put my (unloaded) gun to my head and pull the trigger and think about how worthless i am for a few hours

I stopped drinking .5-1l vodka every day a week ago. Aside from loss of appetite (unusual) I feel much better

I dont smoke but I drink heavily on the weekends. I bought this after work and will be gone by Saturday evening. 4L of cheap wine. Im phasing it out though, my state made weed legal recently Im just waiting for the rush to die down so I dont have to wait in a 2 hour line.

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>that hair
Just fuck my shit up senpai

opiates for me chief :/

I wish I was a kid playing stalker and cryostasis for the first time again

>canned negroes

you look like a massive faggot

>living at the height of prosperity
>living in literally the most peaceful era of human history
>women are more beautiful than ever
>don't have to work to death in a coal mine
>"oh, the pain of existence!"
you fucking guys, lmao

>donut steel the redditfrog
go back

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Vidya gamers don't cope, that's why we play vidya to begin with. If you get drunk and/or high AND play vidya, then you have much deeper problems than a simple desire of escapism.

>thing I look forward to the most is drinking on the weekend
>can't do it anymore because just started a new job that requires waking up early on weekends
man I hate wageslavery

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Yep I'm an alcoholic. Way happier ever since I became one