
Why are people not hyping up the June 12th event as much as we hyped up past E3 showcases?

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I haven't been excited for E3 in at least a decade. This industry/hobby is creatively and intellectually dead.

>getting hyped for games that will either get cancelled or release in an unfinished state with mediocre gameplay

Because it doesn't fucking matter anymore. We're still gonna have to wait for games, same as everyone else. All the good shit is slated for next year

I don't care about MS

because they have absolutely nothing to show

Microshit events are nothing but 20 of the exact same fucking trailer for some GaaS shit no one will remember after a week, and some title drop for something that won't be released until 2027

Pretty much this.
Though I'll just watch out of curiosity as always

What will they even show?

the odds of a good new game being shown is low as hell.

Probably Starfield, maybe some footage of the new Fable and probably some important announcement

People are getting tired of Microsoft announcing a bunch of shit that's either forgettable at launch or takes years to even happen.

Microsoft hasn't done anything worth while in over a decade. What makes this event different?

I'm just tired of all the delays. I only want to know if Forza Motorsport will release this year or not.

Starfield getting pushed back killed their best showrunner.

Why? To see more overbudgeted moviegames with one button gameplay that either get canned/cancelled or are absolute fucking garbage? No thanks

it'll probably go like this:
>announce some xbox streamin' puck
>show off forza 8, old gen versions got canned
>avowed gameplay, out this year
>fable interview and assets, out next year
>block of remaster announcements
>surprise fps boost and resolution boost announcement

>surprise fps boost and resolution boost announcement
Oh yeah, the backwards compat team has been silent since November, surely they were working on something since then.

>Microsoft doing an event
>their E3 presentations are usually the most boring
Maybe they'll give that Goldeneye remaster an actual release date tho

>Starfield not releasing this year
Instantly lost half of my hype

Because modern games are lame. And Microsoft stopped being good after 2009

I just hope they get all the Persona games and pay some studio megabucks to remaster them all in glorious 4K

I can't believe that Danganronpa on my Xbox looks like the image is 480p or some shit fuck

i doubt we'll get more back compat games but we'll likely get more features

i know they're working on custom dynamic themes too but thats not back compat

>Microsoft spokesperson walls out onto stage
>He adjusts his tie, dripping of sweat, it's obvious he is nervous
>He puts his mouth close to the mic, before he even says anything the mic screams with feedback, everyone in the audience is wincing in pain.
>"Microsoft is getting ready for some huge and exciting changes this year."
>"Weve decided to replace all x's with ner!"
>Banner roles down spelling nerBoner
>That's right give it up for the new Nerboner!

why did i kek

Imagine caring about video game events let alone "new" games.
Casual mouthbreathers in this shithole, like you, absolutely love to talk about games they never played and also make wide generalizations about genres they do not know, and then desperately pretend that people who actually know their shit and expose them are in the wrong.
This is a problem made exponentially worse by the fact that most people here specifically are just low-standard casuals with their nostalgia goggles firmly glued onto their skulls and with no actual interest in retro stuff other than "talking about the good days".
And they pretend their opinion must be taken seriously despite being not even an opinion, just straight-up wrong misconception, and misinformation, that is kept alive by virtue of being generations-old nonsense parroted ad libitum in a media made up for an impressionable audience that also never goes beyond that.

Look at this place and you'll see the same four or five threads, with the same exact posts on repeat for years, all of the good threads about people actually branching out and talking about lesser-known subjects like the PC88-98 threads or JP only games have died out, discussion about pre 3rd gen games is dead and so on, this board has become just looped background noise with the occasional decent thread that isn't people parroting 30-year-old nonsense, the only thing that breaks the droning monotony is the seasonal chronic shitposting.

y u mad tho

Because these fucking garbage events haven’t offered nothing but shit.

Kojimas horrorgame for gamepass.

because its fucking xbox