What was his name again?

What was his name again?

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McCree , and no matter what blizzard does they can't change it

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Cum Assidy

Sneed McFeed

the name's clit hardwood

Nod Important.

whats important however is what he's going to do. you see....

Mcree. Only soys call him by other name

>YWN visit the Coz

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Rapeface McNigger

Formally Cree

Jesse McDeadGame


I actually think his new name is actually better but changing a character's name is extremely retarded so I'll never use it.

do people ever like get banned for calling him by his old name during a game? I'm curious.


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cassideez nuts

>"we're removing the name, we'll do better"
>still use it

Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter

>Change the name because the person who the name comes from did something bad
>Now when someone learns that the character used to be named McCree, they look up why it was changed
>By changing the name, they made it so that people are much more likely to learn of the misdeed instead of burying it like they hoped

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2022 and boomers still don't understand the streisand effect

they only did it to get traction on the news user. it was never meant to change anything, the game was already dead by that point and they needed more controversy to make it relevant.

I don't get it. She didn't even use the word joel.


Duck fuckem

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