Where the fuck do I start, the character creation alone is confusing

Where the fuck do I start, the character creation alone is confusing.

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Make a warrior and play the game as if you were a medieval king looking to expand his empire and are willing to destroy any disgusting savage that stands in your way or something. That's what I did and it worked pretty well for me.

What is there to be confused about?
>race: human
>sex: male
>class: fighter
That's it. Time to game, user.

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start reading descriptions and pick whatever seems best for you

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simple as

the more I read the more confused I get
how much unga bunga is Fighter?

go barbarian if you want max unga bunga. Fighter is still so, but not as much as barb

You click on the bad men and they die, it's as simple as it gets. No spells (unless you dual-class), no crazy powers, just hit stuff.

Two handed fighter is the class that benefit the most from high STR, as you get 2xSTR on all your attacks, so you just full attack the whole day. Barbarian requires more micro with their rage powers and stuff. Even though if you actually want high STR you should multiclass with vivi or dragon disciple.

Look up what the basic rules are for the DND mechanics of the game. I did and it made a lot more sense as to what I was supposed to do

The IP owner.

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seek help

>*homebrews a setting with slavery in it*
wow that was hard

The people they hire.

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Just look up a build online and follow it. Leave it to these virgin autists to worry about numbers and synergies and whatever the fuck.


Turn on the option that gets rid of status debuffs upon resting and don't raise the damage modifiers (and lower them if you need to). You'll thank me later. As for builds, you can't go wrong with any class that has max BAB (warrior, paladin, ranger, slayer, etc).

They're not even removing slavery, they just said they're not using it as a plot point in any future books

Literally everyone has been telling him to go basic fighter or barbarian so far, the fuck are you talking about

The reason for it.

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Which is retarded because it's a major aspect of the world. You have entire kingdoms that run entirely on their slave labor and slave trade.

Just play a straight warrior and beat the shit out of things with Amiri for 80 hours. Worked like a dream for me.

The companions come with shit builds but you can just autolevel them into a preset path and not worry about it if you want.

I apologize in advance for negative level hell later on, though. That will frustrate you if you don't really understand why it's happening or how to mitigate it.

I legit spent like 3 hours trying out classes the first time I played.
If you are not a DnD expert, just choose a preset class and go with it.

>it's a major aspect of the world
It really isn't. In fact, I've never run an AP where it even came up

This game is really awful at teaching you how Pathfinder works other than the bare essentials, and there's a bunch of mechanics/stats that simply aren't explained. If you don't care all that much about becoming a PF master, just pick easy difficulty. I had a lot of fun once I could start enjoying the game instead of having to quickload after bandit encounter #63 brutalized my entire party again.

slavery is a big thing in every medieval fantasy user
slavery is a thing in every society, specially evil aligned ones

>removes slavery because it could be racist/ triggering
>still includes rules about stabbing a person to death or choking them