God is the most logical conclusion to the question of existence

God is the most logical conclusion to the question of existence

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i want a cute plastic kpop gf

but then where did God come from? it solves nothing retard

the concept of birth is limited to humans

Do we at least all agree everything is just a part of one larger entity?

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I came from egg.

Why are living plastic dolls so sexy bros?

If God escapes the need to be created then why can't the universe?

Who lay egg?

If God exists why did Ricca get raped?

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remove the middle man
existence exists because it existence said so, not god

Idk it was dark in egg couldn’t see

why they do not have upper lid
its freaking me out

What's the most logical conclusion to the question of why you're such a fag, op?

Yes, the jewish folk our masters and saviours.

the other god

There's a strong possibility of a higher power, but why does it have to be the Christian God?
Why does God, who's the creator of an infinite universe, favor the Jewish people, and not want us to masturbate or eat pork?

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>it's the most logical because it was what I was indoctrinated with
Video games

Alhamdulilah she was asking for it

>big sky man waving his hand and saying "let there be light!" is logical
yeah okay christcuck

because they are too perfect

>”The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
Is god /ourguy/?

>it was le big bang actually
ok, what made the big bang?

"Science" believers believe:

- Universe and time came from nothing through random chance
- Life came from inorganic matter (never replicated even in a lab)
- That first single-celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation and you are related to a potato
- Irreducibly complex biological mechanisms like sexual reproduction from asexual organisms can be formed through random genetic mutation
- Horseshoe crabs were practically the same 400 million years ago but you were a fish
- Lining up fossils of similar looking animals is proof that one evolved into the other
- Modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did practically nothing for ~196,000 years and then suddenly started building amazing civilizations and leaving documents/records
- No reasonable explanation for how the Earth got its water

There is no passage in the bible that says not to masturbate.

Some people take Onan out of context but God was mad because he was supposed to give this woman a baby but was pulling out and not cumming inside on purpose