This... this is the audience that we want

>This... this is the audience that we want.
What's that game Any Forums?

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Path of Exile

Elden Ring

twilight princess

batman arkham knights

His shirt answers your question

Why are Nintens0i's like this?

Splatim 9: Sex on the City


Every Blizzard, Nintendo, and Souls game

This one is true, I'm a fat fuck with over 2k hours on the game.

>2k hours

Compared to neets, it's probably baby hours. I skim profiles at times and see turbo faggots who probably run on onions twenty four seven, with 100 hours of PoE per week.

Anything snoy puts out. Look at him average lefty.

So this is the fag that probably spams gerudo link

Disco tranysium

How do people get so fat, can't fathom

Souls, JRPGs, Nintendo games, Xbox games, PC games, Playstation games. Video games.


your average xbox enjoyer

Wow Jack Pattillo realy let himself go.
what a shame. I liked him in TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox Play Terraria

Fallout New Vegas

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This thing have less testosterone, than a newborn baby. I mean, just look at his fat distribution.

why do people allow their sons to end up like this

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